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    <messages />
    <month />
    <range />


Tag Name Details
messages CalendarMessagesSettingsTagHelper
month CalendarMonthSettingsTagHelper
range CalendarRangeSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
allow-reverse Boolean Enables the user to select an end date that is before the start date. This option is available only when the selectable configuration is set to range.
as-child-component Boolean
century-cells-format CenturyCellsFormats Defines the century cell format.
component-type String Specifies the component type of the widget. "classic" - Uses the standard rendering of the widget. or "modern" - Uses new rendering with a fresh and modern look and feel..
culture String Specifies the culture info used by the widget.
dates DateTime[] Specifies a list of dates, which will be passed to the month template.
depth CalendarView Specifies the navigation depth. The following settings are available for the depth value: "month" - Shows the days of the month.; "year" - Shows the months of the year.; "decade" - Shows the years of the decade. or "century" - Shows the decades from the century..
disable-dates DateTime[] An array or function that will be used to determine which dates to be disabled in the calendar.
disable-dates-handler String Thue function that will be used to determine which dates to be disabled in the calendar.
footer String The template which renders the footer. If false, the footer will not be rendered.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
as-module Boolean
footer-handler String The template which renders the footer. If false, the footer will not be rendered.
format String Specifies the format, which is used to parse value set with value() method.
max DateTime Specifies the maximum date, which the calendar can show.
min DateTime Specifies the minimum date, which the calendar can show.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
has-client-component Boolean
on-change String Fires when the selected date is changed.
on-navigate String Fires when calendar navigates.
sanitize-id Boolean
script-attributes IDictionary<String,Object>
selectable String By default user is able to select a single date. The property can also be set to multiple or range. More information about the different selection modes can be found in the Selection article.
select-dates DateTime[] Specifies which dates to be selected when the calendar is initialized.
show-other-month-days Boolean When this configuration is enabled, the calendar will render days from the previous and next months in the current view.
start CalendarView Specifies the start view. The following settings are available for the start value: "month" - Shows the days of the month.; "year" - Shows the months of the year.; "decade" - Shows the years of the decade. or "century" - Shows the decades from the century..
value DateTime Specifies the selected date.
week-number Boolean If set to true a week of the year will be shown on the left side of the calendar.
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