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    <label />
    <messages />
    <virtual />


Tag Name Details
datasource DataSourceTagHelper
label AutoCompleteLabelSettingsTagHelper
messages AutoCompleteMessagesSettingsTagHelper
popup AutoCompletePopupSettingsTagHelper
popup-animation AutoCompleteAnimationSettingsTagHelper
prefix-options AutoCompletePrefixOptionsSettingsTagHelper
suffix-options AutoCompleteSuffixOptionsSettingsTagHelper
virtual AutoCompleteVirtualSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
adaptive-mode AdaptiveMode Specifies the adaptive rendering of the component.
as-child-component Boolean
auto-width Boolean If set to true, the widget automatically adjusts the width of the popup element and does not wrap up the item label.
bind-to IEnumerable<Object> The collection of data items which the data source contains.
clear-button Boolean Unless this options is set to false, a button will appear when hovering the widget. Clicking that button will reset the widget's value and will trigger the change event.
datasource-id String The data source id
data-text-field String The field of the data item used when searching for suggestions. This is the text that will be displayed in the list of matched results.
delay Double The delay in milliseconds between a keystroke and when the widget displays the suggestion popup.
enable Boolean If set to false the widget will be disabled and will not allow user input. The widget is enabled by default and allows user input.
enforce-min-length Boolean If set to true the widget will not show all items when the text of the search input cleared. By default the widget shows all items when the text of the search input is cleared. Works in conjunction with minLength.
fill-mode FillMode Sets a value controlling how the color is applied.
filter FilterType The filtering method used to determine the suggestions for the current value.
fixed-group-template String The template used to render the fixed header group. By default the widget displays only the value of the current group.
fixed-group-template-handler String The template used to render the fixed header group. By default the widget displays only the value of the current group.
fixed-group-template-id String The template used to render the fixed header group. By default the widget displays only the value of the current group.
fixed-group-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the fixed header group. By default the widget displays only the value of the current group.
footer-template String The template used to render the footer template. The footer template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. Use the widget fields directly in the template.
footer-template-handler String The template used to render the footer template. The footer template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. Use the widget fields directly in the template.
footer-template-id String The template used to render the footer template. The footer template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. Use the widget fields directly in the template.
footer-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the footer template. The footer template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. Use the widget fields directly in the template.
group-template String The template used to render the groups. By default the widget displays only the value of the group.
group-template-handler String The template used to render the groups. By default the widget displays only the value of the group.
group-template-id String The template used to render the groups. By default the widget displays only the value of the group.
group-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the groups. By default the widget displays only the value of the group.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
for ModelExpression An expression to be evaluated against the current model.
has-client-component Boolean
header-template String Specifies a static HTML content, which will be rendered as a header of the popup element.
header-template-handler String Specifies a static HTML content, which will be rendered as a header of the popup element.
header-template-id String Specifies a static HTML content, which will be rendered as a header of the popup element.
header-template-view IHtmlContent Specifies a static HTML content, which will be rendered as a header of the popup element.
height Double The height of the suggestion popup in pixels. The default value is 200 pixels.
highlight-first Boolean If set to true the first suggestion will be automatically highlighted.
ignore-case Boolean If set to false case-sensitive search will be performed to find suggestions. The widget performs case-insensitive searching by default.
min-length Double The minimum number of characters the user must type before a search is performed. Set to higher value than 1 if the search could match a lot of items.
no-data-template String The template used to render the "no data" template, which will be displayed if no results are found or the underlying data source is empty. The noData template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. The template will be evaluated on every widget data bound.
no-data-template-handler String The template used to render the "no data" template, which will be displayed if no results are found or the underlying data source is empty. The noData template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. The template will be evaluated on every widget data bound.
no-data-template-id String The template used to render the "no data" template, which will be displayed if no results are found or the underlying data source is empty. The noData template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. The template will be evaluated on every widget data bound.
no-data-template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the "no data" template, which will be displayed if no results are found or the underlying data source is empty. The noData template receives the widget itself as a part of the data argument. The template will be evaluated on every widget data bound.
on-change String Fired when the value of the widget is changed by the user.The event handler function context (available through the keyword this) will be set to the widget instance.
on-close String Fired when the suggestion popup of the widget is closed by the user.The event handler function context (available through the keyword this) will be set to the widget instance.
on-data-bound String Fired when the widget is bound to data from its data source.The event handler function context (available through the keyword this) will be set to the widget instance.
on-filtering String Fired when the widget is about to filter the data source.The event handler function context (available through the keyword this) will be set to the widget instance.
on-open String Fired when the suggestion popup of the widget is opened by the user.The event handler function context (available through the keyword this) will be set to the widget instance.
on-select String Fired when an item from the suggestion popup is selected by the user.
placeholder String The hint displayed by the widget when it is empty. Not set by default.
rounded Rounded Sets a value controlling the border radius.
sanitize-id Boolean
separator String The character used to separate multiple values. Empty by default.
size ComponentSize Sets the size of the component.
suggest Boolean If set to true the widget will automatically use the first suggestion as its value.
template String The template used to render the suggestions. By default the widget displays only the text of the suggestion (configured via dataTextField).
template-handler String The template used to render the suggestions. By default the widget displays only the text of the suggestion (configured via dataTextField).
template-id String The template used to render the suggestions. By default the widget displays only the text of the suggestion (configured via dataTextField).
template-view IHtmlContent The template used to render the suggestions. By default the widget displays only the text of the suggestion (configured via dataTextField).
value String The value of the widget.
value-primitive Boolean Specifies the value binding behavior for the widget when the initial model value is null. If set to true, the View-Model field will be updated with the selected item text field. If set to false, the View-Model field will be updated with the selected item.
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