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    <major-ticks />
    <minor-ticks />


Tag Name Details
labels ArcGaugeScaleLabelsSettingsTagHelper
major-ticks ArcGaugeScaleMajorTicksSettingsTagHelper
minor-ticks ArcGaugeScaleMinorTicksSettingsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
end-angle Double The end angle of the gauge. The gauge is rendered clockwise(0 degrees are the 180 degrees in the polar coordinate system)
major-unit Double The interval between major divisions.
max Double The maximum value of the scale.
min Double The minimum value of the scale.
minor-unit Double The interval between minor divisions.
range-distance Double The distance from the range indicators to the ticks.
range-line-cap String The lineCap style of the ranges.The supported values are: "butt"; "round" or "square".
range-placeholder-color String The default color for the ranges.
range-size Double The width of the range indicators.
reverse Boolean Reverses the scale direction - values are increase anticlockwise.
start-angle Double The start angle of the gauge. The gauge is rendered clockwise(0 degrees are the 180 degrees in the polar coordinate system)
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