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    <messages />


Tag Name Details
aiprompt-views AIPromptViewsTagHelper
messages AIPromptMessagesSettingsTagHelper
prompt-outputs AIPromptPromptOutputsTagHelper
toolbar-items AIPromptToolbarItemsTagHelper


Attribute Type Description
name String Sets the name of the component.
active-view Object Specifies the index of the active view or the name of the view.
as-child-component Boolean
has-client-component Boolean
on-command-execute String Triggered when a command item from the Commands view is clicked. The panel bar dataItem of the selected item is available through the event argument.
on-output-copy String Triggered when the copy output button of an output is clicked. The prompt and the output object are available through the event argument.
on-output-rating-change String Triggered when the rating of an output is changed through the rate buttons of an output. The output id and the new rating are available through the event argument.
on-prompt-request String Triggered when the prompt view Generate output button is clicked. The prompt text is available through the event argument. Suitable to make a request to the AI service to receive an output. Use the addPromptOutput method to add the generated output to the promptOutputs collection.The prompt, outputand isRetry properties are available in the event argument. When the output is generated after clicking the retry button of an output, the isRetry property is true and the output property is the output content of the output card.
prompt-suggestion-item-template String The template of the prompt suggestion item. It can be a string, a function or a Kendo Template.
prompt-suggestion-item-template-handler String The template of the prompt suggestion item. It can be a string, a function or a Kendo Template.
prompt-suggestion-item-template-id String The template of the prompt suggestion item. It can be a string, a function or a Kendo Template.
deferred Boolean Suppress initialization script rendering. Note that this options should be used in conjunction with DeferredScripts method.
prompt-suggestion-item-template-view IHtmlContent The template of the prompt suggestion item. It can be a string, a function or a Kendo Template.
sanitize-id Boolean
show-output-rating Boolean Specifies if the output rating should be displayed on the output card.
is-in-client-template Boolean When placing a Tag Helper within a Kendo Template, set the type to text/html and add the is-in-client-template="true" attribute.
prompt-suggestions ICollection<String> An array of prompt suggestions as strings to display in the prompt view. The suggestions can be clicked to populate the prompt input.
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