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Attribute Type Description
click String Specifies the click event handler of the action button.
disabled Boolean If set to true, the action button will be disabled.
fill-mode String Controls how the color is applied to the button. Valid values are: "solid", "outline", "flat", "link", and "none". Default value is "solid".
icon String Specifies the icon's name of the action button.
icon-class String Specifies the icon's class of the action button.
rounded String Controls what border radius is applied to a button. Valid values are: "small", "medium", "large", "full", and "none". Default value is "medium".
size String Controls the overall physical size of a button. Valid values are: "small", "medium", "large", and "none". Default value is "medium".
text String Specifies the text of the action button.
theme-color String Controls the main color applied to the button. Valid values are: "base", "primary", "secondary", "tertiary", "info", "success", "warning", "error", "dark", "light", "inverse", and "none". Default value is "base".
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