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Logon Dialogs

With Logon dialogs, you need to pass in the username/password that you want used and how the dialog should be handled. Your options for the Logon dialog are: DialogButton.OK, DialogButton.CANCEL or DialogButton.CLOSE.

// Add a logon dialog support with username/password
Manager.DialogMonitor.AddDialog(new LogonDialog(ActiveBrowser, "<username>", "<password>", DialogButton.OK));

// Navigate to a page that need a logon
ActiveBrowser.NavigateTo("<Place a Url to LogOn to here>");

// Dialog should be automatically handled
' Add a logon dialog support with username/password
Manager.DialogMonitor.AddDialog(New LogonDialog(ActiveBrowser, "<username>", "<password>", DialogButton.OK))

' Navigate to a page that need a logon
ActiveBrowser.NavigateTo("<Place a Url to LogOn to here>")

' Dialog should be automatically handled

To compile the above code include the following using:

using ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32.Dialogs;

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