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This article lists the events specific to RadWizard control.

Selection events:

  • SelectionChanging: Occurs when the selected page is about to be changed. The type of the passed event arguments is SelectedPageChangingEventArgs. Through this class, you can access the following properties:

    • Cancel: A boolean property that enables the cancellation of the selection.
    • Direction: A property, which gets the direction in which the user is navigating to. There are two possible values specifying in which direction a user is navigating between pages “Forward” and “Backward”.
    • OldPage: A WizardPage property, which gets the currently selected wizard page.
    • NewPage: A WizardPage property, which gets the wizard page to be selected.

Example 1: Subscribe to the SelectionChanging Event

private void wizard_SelectionChanging(object sender, SelectedPageChangingEventArgs e) 
    var cancel = e.Cancel; 
    var selectionDirection = e.Direction; 
    var newPage = e.NewPage; 
    var oldPage = e.OldPage; 
  • SelectionChanged: Occurs when the selected page has changed. The type of the passed event arguments is SelectedPageChangedEventArgs. Through this class, you can access the following properties:

    • Direction: An enumeration property, which gets the direction in which the user is navigating. There are two possible values specifying in which direction the user is navigating between pages “Forward” and “Backward”.
    • OldPage: A WizardPage property, which gets the currently selected wizard page.
    • NewPage: A WizardPage property, which gets the wizard page to be selected.

Example 2: Subscribe to the SelectionChanged Event

private void wizard_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectedPageChangedEventArgs e) 
    var selectionDirection = e.Direction; 
    var newPage = e.NewPage; 
    var oldPage = e.OldPage; 

All of the event handlers for these events receive two arguments and are executed per wizard page. The sender argument contains the RadWizard. This argument is of type object, but can be cast to the RadWizard type. A NavigationButtonsEventArgs object. This object has the SelectedPageIndex property, which is used to get or set the selected page index.

  • Previous: Occurs when the Previous button has been clicked.
  • Next: Occurs when the Next button has been clicked.
  • Finish: Occurs when the Finish button has been clicked.
  • Help: Occurs when the Help button has been clicked.
  • Cancel: Occurs when the Cancel button has been clicked.

Example 3: Navigation buttons event handlers

private void wizard_Previous(object sender, NavigationButtonsEventArgs e) 
    var selectedPageIndex = e.SelectedPageIndex; 
private void wizard_Next(object sender, NavigationButtonsEventArgs e) 
    var selectedPageIndex = e.SelectedPageIndex; 
private void wizard_Finish(object sender, NavigationButtonsEventArgs e) 
    var selectedPageIndex = e.SelectedPageIndex; 
private void wizard_Help(object sender, NavigationButtonsEventArgs e) 
    var selectedPageIndex = e.SelectedPageIndex; 
private void wizard_Cancel(object sender, NavigationButtonsEventArgs e) 
    var selectedPageIndex = e.SelectedPageIndex; 

Other events:

  • PageLoaded: Occurs when a new page is loaded. The PageEventArgs class exposes the Page property, which gets the currently loaded page in the wizard.

  • Completing: Occurs when the operation is about to be completed. The WizardCompletingEventArgs class exposes the following specific properties:

    • Cancel: A boolean property that enables the cancellation of the finish operation.
    • SelectedPage: A WizardPage property, which gets the page from which it was invoked.
    • Action: A property, which gets the action which will be performed. There are two possible actions “Abort” and “Finish”. The Action property will be with value “Abort” when the user has clicked the Cancel button and “Finish” when the Finish button is clicked.

Example 4: Subscribe to the Completing Event

private void wizard_Completing(object sender, WizardCompletingEventArgs e) 
    var cancel = e.Cancel; 
    var action = e.Action; 
    var selectedPage = e.SelectedPage; 
  • Completed: Occurs when the wizard has already finish. The WizardCompletedEventArgs class exposes the following specific properties:

    • SelectedPage - a WizardPage property, which gets the page from which it was invoked.
    • Action -an enumeration property, which gets the action which was performed. There are two possible actions “Abort” and “Finish”. The Action property will be with value “Abort” when the user had clicked the Cancel button and “Finish” when the Finish button was clicked.

Example 5: Subscribe to the Completed Event

private void wizard_Completed(object sender, WizardCompletedEventArgs e) 
    var action = e.Action; 
    var selectedPage = e.SelectedPage; 

See Also

In this article