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RadListBox Object
The following table lists the most important methods of the client-side RadListBox object:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
trackChanges | none | none | Starts tracking changes made to the listbox that will be preserved over post-backs. |
commitChanges | none | none | Writes the changes to the listbox that were made since a previous call to trackChanges, so that they are preserved over post-backs. (see Example 1) |
findItemByText | string | RadListBoxItem | Returns the first RadListBoxItem object whose Text property equals to the passed parameter. |
findItemByValue | string | RadListBoxItem | Returns the first RadListBoxItem object whose Value property equals to the passed parameter. |
findItemByAttribute | string (attribute name), string (attribute value) | RadListBoxItem | Gets the first instance of a RadListBoxItem with the specified attribute / value pair. |
clearSelection | none | none | Clears the selection. There will be no selected items. |
clearSelectionExcept | int or RadListBoxItem | none | Clears the current selection except the specified Index or Item. |
getItem | int | RadListBoxItem | Gets the item from the Items collection residing at the index specified by the parameter. |
get_items | none | RadListBoxItemCollection | Gets a collection with all items |
get_selectedItem | none | RadListBoxItem | Gets the selected item (or the first selected item if the SelectionMode="Multiple" ). |
get_selectedItems | none | array | Gets an array of the selected RadListBoxItem objects |
get_selectedIndex | none | int | Gets the index of the selected item |
get_checkedItems | none | array | Gets an array of the checked RadListBoxItem objects |
reorderItem | RadListBoxItem and Index | none | Moves the specified item to the specified index |
transferToDestination | RadListBoxItem | none | Transfers the specified item to the listbox specified by the TransferToID property |
transferFromDestination | RadListBoxItem | none | Transfers the specified item from the listbox specified by the TransferToID property |
transferItem | RadListBoxItem, SourceRadListBox, DestinationRadListBox | none | Transfers the specified item from the source listbox to the destination listbox |
get_element | none | HTML element | Gets the outer DIV of the RadListBox |
get_childListElement | none | HTML element | Gets the UL element of the RadListBox |
get_id | none | string | Gets the ClientID of the RadListBox |
deleteItem | RadListBoxItem | none | Deletes the item passed as an argument |
insertItems | Array of RadListboxItems | none | Bulk inserts an array of RadListbox items to RadListBox |
set_visible | boolean | none | Sets the listview as visible or not on the client |
Example 1: Demonstrates the usage of the commitChanges method
function AddNewItem() {
var listbox = $find("<%= RadListBox1.ClientID %>");
var item = new Telerik.Web.UI.RadListBoxItem();