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ClientTemplate Overview

As of Q3 2012, the ASP.NET AJAX Chart offers client-side templates for the labels and tooltips used in the series. This Help article will discuss using client-side templates, connecting them to a data source and review the most used properties.

As of Q2 2016, client templates are also available for Legend items and Axes labels. In order to learn more details abouy how to configure them read the Using Client Templates in Legend and Axes Labels article.

The composite property that controls this functionality is ClientTemplate which is exposed in the LabelsAppearance and TooltipsAppearance tags for each series. You can use the ClientTemplate element to allow for runtime evaluation of the dataItem object and other fields associated with each series item. This means that additional columns from the data source and other fields like category, series name/type/stack can be displayed as the content instead of only a string formatted around the value.

Figure 1 shows an example of using the ClientTemplate composite property.

You can use number formats inside Client Templates . You can find more information in this Formatting Numbers article in the section called Formatting Labels and Tooltips by Using their Client Templates.

Showing Database Values Using a ClientTemplate

In order to return the original data item used to construct the point (an object that exposes all fields from the data source) you must use a dataItem object. If the chart is bound to an array the dataItem object will expose only a single field that contains the current value of the series item.

You must bind the RadHtmlChart to a data source in order for the dataItem object to be available (tooltips and labels cannot be set programmatically for each item).

You use a simple evaluation clause to set the dateItem column: #= dataItem. #. As the markup in Example 1 shows, you can concatenate a few evaluation clauses to get the data from several columns. You can also add custom content between these clauses.

Example 1: The template to set the dataItem for the ClientTemplate property is easy to code.

<telerik:radhtmlchart runat="server" id="RadHtmlChart1">
			<telerik:BarSeries DataFieldY="data">
				<LabelsAppearance Position="InsideEnd">
						#=dataItem.SecondColumn#<br />
		<XAxis DataLabelsField="SecondColumn"></XAxis>

Example 2 shows how to set and get a simple data source for RadHtmlChart to work with the ClientTemplate composite property.

Example 2: Setting a DataTable as the data source for the Bar chart shown in Figure 1.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
	if (!IsPostBack)
		RadHtmlChart1.DataSource = GetData();
protected DataTable GetData()
	DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
	tbl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("data"));
	tbl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("SecondColumn"));
	tbl.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ThirdColumn"));
	tbl.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, "aaaa", "first row, item 3" });
	tbl.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2, "bbbb", "second row, item 3" });
	tbl.Rows.Add(new object[] { 2, "cccc", "third row, item 3" });
	tbl.Rows.Add(new object[] { 3, "dddd", "fourth row, item 3" });
	return tbl;

Figure 1: A Bar chart with the tooltip for the third item based on the ClientTemplate composite property set in Example 1.

htmlchart-client Templates-example-usage

Note how the labels for each series, the labels for the x-axis and the first row of the tooltips have the same data because the same column is used.

Main Properties Used in a ClientTemplate

You can set the following properties for a ClientTemplate:

  • category - Returns the category name of the hovered series item.

    • BubbleSeries - Returns the value set in the Tooltip property of the series item for a non-data bound chart and the corresponding value from the DataFieldTooltip column of the data source for a data bound chart.

    • Area, Candlestick, Column, Bar and Line Series - Returns the label text from the corresponding axis item.

    • PieSeries/DonutSeries - Returns the value set in the Name property of the series item for a non-data bound chart and the corresponding value from the NameField column of the data source for a data bound chart.

      		Category: #=category#
      		Category: #=category#
  • dataItem - Returns the original data item used to construct the point. You can see more information about using the dataItem object in a ClientTemplate in the previous section of this article — Showing DataBase Values Using a ClientTemplate.

  • percentage - Returns the point value represented as a fraction of the grand total. Available for donut, pie and 100% stacked charts. To get the value in actual percent and not as a fraction between 0 and 1, you need to multiply it by 100, e.g., <ClientTemplate>#= percentage * 100 # %</ClientTemplate> . You can see more information about using the percentage field in the Display HTML and Execute JavaScript article in the section calledExecute JavaScript.

  • series - Returns the data series information. You can use the series property to obtain the name, type and the stack group name (applicable for stacked series clustered in groups) of the series:

    • name - Returns the name of the hovered series. It corresponds to the Name property of the series. If the series does not have a name set, "undefined" text will be returned.For example,- ClientTemplate = "text more text" will return "text undefined more text".

    • type - Returns the type of the hovered series (for example Bar, Pie, ScatterLine, etc.).

    • stack - Returns the stack status of the hovered series. A stack can have the following values:

      • true - When the Stack property of the series is set to true.

      • false - When the Stack property of the series is set to false.

      • custom string - The string set in the GroupName property that clusters series in stacked groups.

      		Series Name: , Series Type: #=series.type# , Series Stack Status: #=series.stack #
      		Series Name: <br/> 
      		Series Type: #=series.type# </br> 
      		Series Stack Status: #=series.stack #
  • value - Returns the point value (either a number or an object).

    • BubbleSeries - Returns an object that exposes three fields: x, y and size.

        		X Value: #=value.x# , Y Value: #=value.y# , Size Value: #=value.size #
        		X Value: #=value.x# <br/> 
        		Y Value: #=value.y# <br/> 
        		Size Value: #=value.size #
    • CandlestickSeries - Returns an object that exposes four fields: open, high, low and close.

        		Open Value: <br/> 
        		High Value: #=value.high# <br/> 
        		Low Value: #=value.low # <br/> 
        		Close Value: #=value.close #
    • ScatterSeries and ScatterLineSeries - Returns an object that exposes the x and y fields for the X-value and the Y-value of the item.

        		X Value: #=value.x# , Y Value: #=value.y#
        		X Value: #=value.x# <br/> 
        		Y Value: #=value.y#
    • BoxPlot - Returns an object that exposes the lower, q1, median, mean, median, q3 and upper fields that contain the values from the corresponding fields of the series object.

        		<table cellpadding=7><tr><td><b>#= category #<br /> Lower: #=value.lower# <br /> Q1: #=value.q1# <br /> Median: #=value.median# <br /> Mean: #=value.mean# <br /> Q3: #=value.q3# <br /> Upper #=value.upper#</b></td></tr></table>
    • BulletSeries and VerticalBulletSeries - Returns an object that exposes the current and target fields that contain the values from the corresponding fields of the series item object.

                    current value is #=value.current#
                    <br />
                    desired value is:
    • Other Series Types - Returns the Y value of the hovered series Item.

        		Y Value: #=value#
        		Y Value: #=value#

See Also