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Custom EntityFramework Provider

This help article extends the Custom Entity Provider guidance. It shows how to add support for the Resources in the Gantt using Custom Provider.

Implementing Resources using Custom Entity Provider.

To enable this functionality:

  • a few additional methods of the custom provider needs to be overridden - GetResources(), GetAssignments(), UpdateAssignment(), InsertAssignment() and DeleteAssignment().

  • set the EnableResources property of the Gantt to true.

public override List<ITask> GetTasks()

public override ITask UpdateTask(ITask task)

public override ITask DeleteTask(ITask task)

public override ITask InsertTask(ITask task)

public override List<IDependency> GetDependencies()

public override IDependency DeleteDependency(IDependency dependency)

public override IDependency InsertDependency(IDependency dependency)

public override List<IResource> GetResources()

public override List<IAssignment> GetAssignments()

public override IAssignment UpdateAssignment(IAssignment assignment)

public override IAssignment InsertAssignment(IAssignment assignment)
public override IAssignment DeleteAssignment(IAssignment assignment)

Here you can find a code library with a runnable sample project, based the above instructions.

See Also