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Keyboard Navigation

The keyboard navigation of the Gantt is always available.

For a complete example, refer to the demo on keyboard navigation of the Gantt.


The Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC Gantt supports the following keyboard shortcuts:

Actions Applied to the Toolbar of the Gantt:

F10 Focuses the toolbar.
Space Activates the toolbar item.
Right Arrow Focuses the next toolbar item.
Left Arrow Focuses the next toolbar item.

Actions Applied to the Timeline of the Gantt:

Delete Deletes the currently selected task and/or dependency.
Up Arrow Focuses the previous task.
Down Arrow Focuses the next task.
Left Arrow Scrolls to the left.
Right Arrow Scrolls to the right.
Home Focuses first task.
End Focuses last task.
Enter Opens a popup for editing the current task.
Alt + Right Arrow Expands a task.
Alt + Left Arrow Collapses a task.

Actions Applied to the TreeList Header of the Gantt:

Enter Sorts by the column.

Actions Applied to the TreeList Data Table of the :

Arrow Keys Navigate over the cells.
Enter Opens the cell editor.
Esc Closes the cell editor.
Space Selects the row of the currently highlighted cell.
Delete Deletes the currently selected task.
1 - 3 Move between the available views.
Alt + Left Arrow Expands the task.
Alt + Right Arrow Collapses the task.

Actions Applied to the Add Task Action Drop-Down of the Gantt:

Up Arrow Highlights the previous item.
Down Arrow Highlights the next item.
Enter Selects the highlighted item.
Esc Closes the drop-down.

See Also

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