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Available for: Windows 8.1

Properties and Configuration

The RadRangeSlider is a compound control that consists of two ScalePrimitive controls and one RangeSliderPrimitive control (see the visual structure). Each of these controls have their own properties that can be set through the TopLeftScaleStyle/BottomRightScaleStyle and SliderPrimitiveStyle properties. In the following sections are described all properties, exposed by the RadRangeSlider control and its components.

RadRangeSlider Control Properties

RadRangeSlider exposes the following properties:

  • Orientation: Gets or sets the orientation of the control. The available values are:
    • Horizontal (default)
    • Vertical
  • Maximum (double): Gets or sets the maximum value of the scale.
  • Minimum (double): Gets or sets the minimum value of the scale.
  • SelectionStart (double): Gets or sets the position of the start thumb on the scale.
  • SelectionEnd (double): Gets or sets the position of the end thumb on the scale.
  • TickFrequency (double): Gets or sets the distance between the ticks on the scale.
  • LargeChange (double): Gets or sets a value to be added to or subtracted from the StartPosition/EndPosition. This value is used to update the position of the thumb when the user clicks on the scale outside the selection range.
  • SmallChange (double): Gets or sets the value to be added to or subtracted from the StartPosition/EndPosition. This is useful for example when you want to use another value (different from LargeChange) for the thumbs to snap to.
  • IsDeferredDraggingEnabled (bool): Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the SelectionStart/SelectionEnd values will update their values while dragging.
  • TrackTapMode: Gets or sets a value that indicates with what step the selection thumb position will be updated when a tap/click event occurs on the track. The possible modes are:
    • None: The thumb will not move when track is tapped.
    • MoveToTapPosition: The thumb moves to the current tap position.
    • IncrementByLargeChange: The thumb updates its position with the LargeChange property value.
    • IncrementBySmallChange: The thumb updates its position with the SmallChange property value.
  • SnapsTo: Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the SelectionStart/SelectionEnd values will be snapped after drag is complete. Here are the available options:
    • None
    • Ticks
    • LargeChange
    • SmallChange
  • SliderPrimitiveStyle (Style): Gets or sets the Style that defines the appearance settings applied to the inner RangeSliderPrimitive control part. The style should target the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.RangeSliderPrimitive type.
  • TopLeftScaleStyle/BottomRightScaleStyle (Style): Gets or sets the style that defines the appearance settings applied to the TopLeft/BottomRightScale control. The Style should target the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.ScalePrimitive type.
  • LabelFormat (string): Gets or sets the format string for the labels. In XAML the format string has this format: "{}{0:0}".
  • Header (object): Gets or sets the object that represents the header content.
  • HeaderTemplate (DataTemplate): Gets or sets the DataTemplate instance that defines the appearance of the header.
  • HeaderStyle (Style): Gets or sets the Style object that defines the appearance of the Header part of the control. Typically that part will be represented by a ContentControl instance.
  • ShowValueToolTip (bool): Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a tooltip, displaying the current pointer value, will be displayed.
  • ShowRangeToolTip (bool): Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a tooltip, displaying the current value range, will be displayed. This tooltip is visualized when the user changes tha value range.
  • ToolTipFormat (string): Gets or sets the string that is used to format the text of all tooltips of the component - this includes the start/end/range values displayed in the default RangeToolTip, as well as the value in the ValueToolTip.

ScalePrimitive Control Properties

Here are listed the properties exposed by the ScalePrimitive control.

When the SliderPrimitive control is used in a RadRangeSlider, some of its properties are overriden by the RadRangeSlider control and setting them in the TopLeftScaleStyle/BottomRightScaleStyle has no effect. These properties are: Orientation, TickFrequency, LabelFormat, and they are bound to their corresponding properties of the RadRangeSlider control.

The following properties are used when setting custom Style to the TopLeftScaleStyle/BottomRightScaleStyle property of the RadRangeSlider.

  • LabelPlacement (ScaleElementPlacement): Gets or sets the position of the labels relative to the axis line.
  • LabelStyle (Style): Gets or sets the style that defines the appearance of all labels of the scale.
  • LabelTemplate (DataTemplate): Gets or sets custom template for all labels of the scale.
  • LineStyle (Style): Gets or sets the style that defines the appearance of the axis line of the ScalePrimitive control.
  • TickLength (double): Gets or sets the length of the scale ticks.
  • TickPlacement (ScaleElementPlacement): Gets or sets the position of the ticks relative to the axis line.
  • TickStyle (Style): Gets or sets the Style defining the appearance of the scale ticks. The Style should target the Rectangle.
  • TickTemplate (DataTemplate): Gets or sets a custom DataTemplate for the ticks.
  • TickThickness (double): Gets or sets the thickness of the scale ticks.

These properties could be set when the ScalePrimitive is used as a separate control.

  • Orientation: Gets or sets the orientation of the control. The available values are:
    • Horizontal (default)
    • Vertical
  • TickFrequency (double): Gets or sets the logical tick frequency of the scale.
  • LabelFormat (string): Gets or sets the string that is used to format the labels of the control.

RangeSliderPrimitive Control Properties

Here are listed the properties exposed by the RangeSliderPrimitive control. These properties are used when setting custom style to the SliderPrimitiveStyle property of the RadRangeSlider.

  • SelectionStartThumbStyle/SelectionEndThumbStyle/SelectionMiddleThumbStyle (Style): Gets or sets the Style that defines the appearance settings applied to the selection start/end/middle thumb. The style should have TargetType="Thumb". The following properties affect the thumb style:
    • Margin
    • Padding
    • BorderThickness
    • Height
    • Background
    • IsTabStopOr you can retemplate a thumb by setting its Template property.

RangeToolTip Properties

The RangeToolTip is a primitive control which style could be set implicitly by defining a Style that targets theTelerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives.RangeSlider.RangeToolTip type in the Resources of the RadRangeSlider. These are the properties that affect the Style of the RangeToolTip:

  • Foreground
  • Background
  • BorderBrush
  • BorderThickness
  • FontSize
  • Transitions

Or you can retemplate the tooltip by setting its Template property.

See Also