The RadImageEditor exposes the following properties:
Commands (CommandCollection
): Collection that contains user defined commands associated with the RqadImageEditor. -
CommandService (CommandService): Used to execute commands from the Commands collection with specific id.
Example:imageEditor.CommandService.ExecuteCommand(CommandId.Saving, parameter);
- DisplayOriginalImage (bool): Specifies whether the compare button will be added to the tools view.
- FileNamePrefix (string): Gets or sets the prefix that will be added to the saved image file name.
- HandleBackButton (bool): For Windows Phone - specifies whether back button press will navigate from the tools view to the groups view.
- IndicatorStyle (Style): Gets or sets the style of the busy indicator that is displayed while an image effect is being applied. The target type of the style should be RadBusyIndicator.
- LayerSelector (ImageEditorLayerSelector): Provides instance of ImageEditorLayer for each tool.
- ManipulationInputProcessor (ManipulationInputProcessor): Manipulation processor that contains information about any transformation that has been applied to the image through user gestures.
- ModifiedImage (ImageSource): Gets or sets the source of the modified image.
- SelectedGroup (object): Gets or sets the currently selected group.
- Source (StorageFile): Gets or sets the source file of the image.
- StatusMessage (string):
- ToolFactory (ImageEditorToolFactory): Provides a template for the UI of each tool.
ToolGroups (ObservableCollection
): Gets a collection of all tool groups added to the image editor. - ToolsPosition (ImageEditorToolsPosition): Specifies the position of the tools. { Bottom, Top }