Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

Getting Started

This quick start tutorial will help you setup and add a RadDataGrid DataStorage Provider control to an application.

First, add a reference to the following assembly:

  • Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataProvider.dll

Similar to the RadMap SDK Grid.DataStorageProvider will be platform specific (cannot be built in AnyCPU) as it consumes native code.

Alternatively, you can add a reference to RadDataGrid DataStorage Provider for Windows 8.1 XAML SDK.

<telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="grid" UserEditMode="Inline" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
        <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Name"/>

Context context = new Context("Example", DatabaseLocation.Local);
context.Insert(new Data { Name = "Data" });
grid.ItemsSource = new DataStorageItemsSource<Data>(context);

public class Data
    public int ID { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

To illustrate the scenario follow the steps: 

  1. Start the application
  2. The RadDataGrid should have one item named "Data".
  3. Edit the item and type, for example, "123".
    data Provider 1
  4. Close the application.
  5. Start the application again - the previous item is saved.
    data Provider 2