Available for: Windows 8.1 | Windows Phone 8.1

PlotBand Annotation Types

In this article the properties of the PlotBandAnnotations are described depending on the type of axis the annotation is associated with - cartesian, polar or radial.

PlotBand Annotation Properties

Common properties

  • Fill
  • DashArray
  • Stroke
  • StrokeThickness
  • CartesianPlotBandAnnotation specific properties:
  • Axis: the cartesian plotband annotation needs to be associated with horizontal or vertical axis explicitly.
  • From (of type object): the starting value for the plotband. >When the axis is numerical (Linear or Logarithmic) a numeric value is expected, and when it is a CategoricalAxis - a category is expected.
  • To (of type object): the ending value for the plotband. >When the axis is numerical (Linear or Logarithmic) a numeric value is expected, and when it is a CategoricalAxis - a category is expected.
  • Label (string): the string that defines the label of the annotation. By default it is null.
  • LabelDefinition (ChartAnnotationLabelDefinition): defines the position of the annotation label. Check the Annotation Labels topic for more details.

PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation specific properties

  • From (of type double): the starting point for the plotband.
  • To (of type double): the ending point for the plotband.

RadialAxisPlotBandAnnotation specific properties

  • From (of type object): the starting point for the plotband. >When the radial axis is NumericalRadialAxis a numeric value is expected, and when it is a CategoricalRadialAxis - a category.
  • To (of type object): the ending point for the plotband. >When the radial axis is NumericalRadialAxis a numeric value is expected, and when it is a CategoricalRadialAxis - a category.

Example of CartesianPlotBandAnnotations

CartesianPlotbandAnnotation is either a horizontal or a vertical stripe that crosses the whole chart and marks a value range on the associate axis. Here is an example that demonstrates how to define both horizontal and vertical CartesianPlotBandAnnotation in a RadCartesianChart.

Cartesian Plot Band Annotation

This is the definition of the chart:

<telerikChart:RadCartesianChart Width="400" Height="300">
        <telerikChart:CartesianPlotBandAnnotation Axis="{Binding ElementName=horizontalAxis}" 
                                                  From="1.8" To="2.8" 
                                                  Stroke="LightGreen" StrokeThickness="1" Fill="#2090EE90"/>
        <telerikChart:CartesianPlotBandAnnotation Axis="{Binding ElementName=verticalAxis}" 
                                                  From="3" To="5" 
                                                  Stroke="Tomato" StrokeThickness="1" Fill="#20FF6347"/>
        <telerikChart:LinearAxis x:Name="horizontalAxis"/>
        <telerikChart:LinearAxis x:Name="verticalAxis"/>
            <telerikCharting:ScatterDataPoint XValue="1" YValue="1" />
            <telerikCharting:ScatterDataPoint XValue="5" YValue="3" />
            <telerikCharting:ScatterDataPoint XValue="8" YValue="11" />
        <telerikChart:CartesianChartGrid MajorLinesVisibility="XY" />

Example of PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation

PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation is represented by concentric stripe that mark a specific value (radius) range on the polar axis. This example demonstrates how to define PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation in a RadPolarChart.

Polar Axis Plot Band Annotation

This is the definition of the chart:

<telerikChart:RadPolarChart Height="350">
        <telerikChart:PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation From="2.8" To="4.8" Stroke="Tomato" Fill="#20FF6347"/>
        <telerikChart:PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation From="7" To="9.5" Stroke="LightGreen" Fill="#2090EE90"/>
            <telerikCharting:PolarDataPoint Value="1" Angle="15" />
            <telerikCharting:PolarDataPoint Value="5" Angle="200" />
            <telerikCharting:PolarDataPoint Value="11" Angle="300" />
        <telerikChart:PolarChartGrid GridLineVisibility="Both" />

Example of RadialAxisPlotBandAnnotation

RadialAxisPlotBandAnnotation is represented by a sector of the circle (pie slice) that marks specific angular/categorical range. This example demonstrates how to define RadialAxisPlotBandAnnotation in a RadPolarChart.

Radial Axis Plot Band Annotation

This is the definition of the chart:

<telerikChart:RadPolarChart Height="350">
        <telerikChart:RadialAxisPlotBandAnnotation From="10" To="50"  Stroke="LightGreen" StrokeThickness="1" Fill="#2090EE90"/>
        <telerikChart:RadialAxisPlotBandAnnotation From="120" To="160"  Stroke="Tomato" StrokeThickness="1" Fill="#20FF6347"/>
            <telerikCharting:PolarDataPoint Value="1" Angle="15" />
            <telerikCharting:PolarDataPoint Value="5" Angle="200" />
            <telerikCharting:PolarDataPoint Value="11" Angle="300" />
        <telerikChart:PolarChartGrid GridLineVisibility="Both" />

See Also