Culture Service

The CultureService class allows to localize the culture-aware settings of the RadNumericBox and the RadCalendar on a per control basis. It is placed in the Telerik.UI.Xaml.Controls.Primitives namespace.


The following attached properties are exposed:

  • Culture
  • CultureName

Here are the available methods:

  • GetCultureName(DependencyObject instance): Gets the CultureName value for the specified dependency object instance.
  • SetCultureName(DependencyObject instance, string cultureName): Sets the specified CultureName value to the provided dependency object instance.
  • GetCulture(DependencyObject instance): Gets the CultureInfo value for the specified dependency object instance.
  • SetCulture(DependencyObject instance, CultureInfo value): Sets the specified CultureInfo value to the provided dependency object instance.

The following example shows how to change the Culture of a single RadNumericBox to "de":

<telerikInput:RadNumericBox telerikPrimitives:CultureService.CultureName="de"/>

RadNumericBox currentNumBox = new RadNumericBox();
currentNumBox.SetValue(CultureService.CultureProperty, new CultureInfo("de"));