XR Interactions Rig

XR Interactions Rig is a Unity prefab that contains all available features from the XR Interactions package. You can drag and drop it into the scene hierarchy for a quick XR navigation setup. Note that XR Interactions Rig is a prefab variant built on top of XR Rig which comes from the XR Core package. If you have purchased Telerik XR Complete, then you may also take a look at the XR Rig Complete from the XR Integration package, as this prefab variant includes the full set of features from all Telerik packages combined.

Rig Concept

The Rig prefab represents the XR player that will be navigating in the scene. The rig has a specific children hierarchy that allows cross-platform handling of different XR features—head, hands, and fingers presence, controller button states, camera effects, etc. Many of the Rig children implement the IXRRigNode interface allowing them to receive updates in the desired order.

Rig Child Hierarchy

The following children and behaviors are part of the Rig hierarchy:

  • Tracking space—used for managing the position and state of head, hands, fingers, and controllers. The tracking space idea is to represent platform-independent character hierarchy which is not updated automatically but instead is managed by several platform-specific input handlers.
  • XR Camera—the camera that tracks the player head and is used for rendering the XR scene.
  • Input—a set of platform-specific input handlers that are used to populate the tracking space children hierarchy.
  • Gestures—a set of handlers that control when a specific hand gesture or controller button is pressed so that a pointer action is executed.
  • Pointers—this is a PointersController script that controls which is the active interactions pointer. For more information on specific pointers, see the controller pointer and finger pointer documentation articles.

More information about the XR Rig, its PointersController, Tracking Space, and other children of its hierarchy is available in the XR Core package documentation.

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