Tracked Device Class

Telerik XR Core provides the TrackedDevice class that may be attached as a component to some game object which needs to move together with a specified XR node—either hand or head. This class implements the IXRRigNode interface, and that is why it must be attached to a child node of the XR Rig root.

Specifying the Device

To specify the device that needs to be tracked, you may modify the component's Device value, which is of type TrackedDevices. The possible values are Head, LeftHand, and RightHand.

Specifying the Update Phase

When you choose the value of the Update component, you may specify at which method from the Unity cycle you want to run the tracking calculations. The possible values of the enum are using the flags pattern so you may choose only one or combine several of the following - Update, FixedUpdate, OnBeforeRender.

Specifying the Tracking Source

When you choose the value of the Enabled For component, you may specify active and hidden states for the different input sources. The possible values of the enum are using the flags pattern, so you may choose only one or combine several of the following—Untracked, Controller, HandTracking.

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