PointersController Class

Several Telerik packages provide different predefined pointers that allow you to navigate in the XR scene or interact with the scene's UI and 3D object. The PointersController component is responsible for managing the active state of the different pointers based on their priority. Тhe properties of the PointersController are separated into two sections—Pointers and Gestures.


  • Controller Pointers—two instances are referenced—one for each hand. Each controller pointer is responsible for showing the distant interaction pointer when using XR controllers. These pointers are activated when the active input comes from controllers and no finger and teleportation interactions are currently activated.
  • Hand Pointers—two instances are referenced—one for each hand. Each hand pointer is responsible for showing the distant interaction pointer when using hand tracking. These pointers are activated when the active input comes from hand tracking and no finger and teleportation interactions are currently activated.
  • Finger Pointers—four instances are referenced—one for each hand index and thumb fingers. Each pointer is responsible for achieving close-distance finger interactions when using hand tracking. These pointers are activated when the active input comes from hand tracking, when no teleportation interaction is currently activated, and when there are some ITouchSurface interface components in some specified close distance to the tracked hand.
  • TeleportationPointer—a single instance is referenced. This pointer is responsible for executing the teleportation action. It is activated when some of the referenced teleportation pointer sources are activated.


To make the finger and teleportation pointers work, you must connect them with some gestures that will trigger the actions. For this purpose, the PointersController class provides several fields that may be referenced in its Gestures section.

  • Teleportation Pointer Sources—this field receives an array of teleportation sources. For example, you may trigger the teleportation either with a controller joystick or with some special gesture using hand tracking. Such implementations may be found in Telerik XR Motions package.
  • Touch Surface Volumes—two instances are referenced—one for each hand. These volumes are moving with the corresponding hand and are detecting the touch surfaces that are in close distance and can be interacted with the fingers using hand tracking.
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