Getting Started

This guide demonstrates how to make your first steps with Telerik XR Core and to create your first scene by using the assets in the package.

Before you start, make sure that you have already installed Telerik XR Core. You can find the detailed installation steps in the Installation article .

To set up your own scene by using Telerik XR Core:

  1. Delete the default scene camera.

  2. Then drag and drop the XR Rig prefab.

  3. Locate the LeftHand and RightHand children of the XR Rig's TrackingSpace. Add one 3D object as a child for each of the hands. For instance, you may add a cube with 0.1 scale values which has similar size compared to a human hand.

  4. Prepare your scene for running an XR device. For instance, for Oculus Quest or Oculus Rift, you must install the Oculus XR plugin from the Project Settings XR Plug-in Management section.

  5. Hit the play button and notice that when you move your hands, the cubes are moving with them.

For more customizations and demos, see the Features section and Samples article.


More demos and examples with customizations are available in the sample scenes within the XR Core package. More information on how to run the demos may be found in Running the Demos documentation article.

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