Getting Started

This guide demonstrates how to make your first steps with Telerik XR CanvasUI and to create your first scene by using the assets in the package.

Before you start, make sure that you have already installed Telerik XR CanvasUI. You can find the detailed installation steps in the Installation article.

To set up your own scene by using Telerik XR CanvasUI:

  1. Create an empty Unity Canvas.

  2. If you do not have the TextMesh Pro folder under your project Assets folder you should to go to Unity Editor toolbar and choose Window/TextMeshPro/Import TMP Essential Resources.

  3. Make sure that your scene has an EventSystem instance.

  4. Locate the Prefabs subfolder in the XR CanvasUI package.

  5. Drag and drop some of the prefabs on the Canvas object in the scene hierarchy.

  6. Hit the play button and try to interact with the chosen controls.

For more customizations and demos, see the Features section and Samples article.

If you also need to implement laser interactions in an XR application, consider the Telerik XR Interactions asset, which is one of the Telerik products in the Unity Asset Store.


More demos and examples with customizations are available in the sample scenes withing the XR CanvasUI package. More information on how to run the demos may be found in Running the Demos documentation article.

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