
There are two approaches for installing the purchased Telerik UI for Unity XR assets in your project—by importing the assets in the Assets folder or by importing the packages using the Package Manager. The following instructions will guide you through the installation process and will point out the pros and cons of each approach.

Installing inside the Assets Folder

Importing the controls in the Assets folder will clone the Telerik content to your project. This approach is appropriate if you do not intend to reuse the same code from the same disk location across several projects.

After downloading the Telerik assets from the Unity Asset Store, you can install them through importing:

  1. Choose the Import button to start importing the assets in your project.

    • If you have already installed other Telerik assets, then you may choose to replace or skip importing the XR Core subfolder as it is common for all Telerik assets.
  2. As a result, you will see a Telerik folder under the Assets folder.

    Inside Telerik, you will find XR Core and all other Telerik packages that you have imported.

Telerik Assets

Installing as Unity Package

If you want to reference the Telerik code from a single file location to several Unity projects, you can reference each Telerik subfolder as a Unity package. This approach allows you to reuse the same code across different projects:

  1. Create a new Unity project that you will use to organize all Telerik assets in a single place on the file system. Name the project, for example, Telerik UI for Unity XR.

  2. Import all purchased Telerik assets in the Assets folder of the Telerik UI for Unity XR project. For more details, see Installation inside the Assets Folder above.

  3. Open the actual project you are working on—the one that will use the Telerik code referenced as Unity packages.

  4. Reference the XR Core package from the Assets folder of the Telerik UI for Unity XR project:

    1. Open the Unity Package Manager. See the Unity Manual for more details.

    2. Locate the package.json file in the XR Core folder.

    You must first import the XR Core package because all other Telerik packages depend on its code.

  5. Reference all other downloaded Telerik packages by repeating the previous step and importing the corresponding package.json file.

    • If you own Telerik XR Complete, you must reference XR Integration as the last package because it depends on all other Telerik packages.

After referencing all the purchased packages, you will see them listed under packages tree node as in the image below.

Telerik Packages

The package manager adds the references with absolute paths. If you are working in a team and each team member has installed the source control repository in different file location, then you may consider changing the absolute paths to relative paths in your project manifest.json. The image below demonstrates sample relative paths to Telerik packages.

Relative Packages


You can build AR/VR applications with Telerik UI for Unity XR by using the Oculus XR plugin which may be installed from the XR Plug-in Management section in the Unity Project Settings. Telerik XR tooling DOES NOT depend on the Oculus Integration Asset so you are NOT REQUIRED to download it from the Asset Store. Telerik XR CanvasUI and Telerik XR Interactions also have a dependency on TextMeshPro, so make sure it is included in your Unity Project.

This version of Telerik UI for Unity XR is compatible with the following Unity versions, platforms and render pipelines:

  • Unity 2020.3
  • Windows and Android platforms
  • Built-in render pipeline.

Getting Started

If you need to see sample demo setups and more info on specific features, then check some of the package-specific getting started articles below:

  • Telerik XR Integration - demos and features for the Telerik XR Complete solution, showcasing the integration between all Telerik packages.
  • Telerik XR Motions - demos and features related to locomotion and camera effects.
  • Telerik XR Interactions - demos and features related to hand tracking and controller interactions.
  • Telerik XR CanvasUI - demos and features related to vector-like UI components for AR/VR.
  • Telerik XR Core - demos and features for core functionalities used by all other Telerik packages.

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