TreeListConstants Class

Progress Software Corporation - Testing Framework 2018.1 Automation Infrastructure
The TreeList constants used across the wrappers and translators.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Html
Assembly:  Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Html (in Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Html.dll) Version: 2012.1.411.0 (2012.1.411.0)

public static class TreeListConstants

The TreeListConstants type exposes the following members.


Public fieldStatic memberColumnKey
The TreeList column key used accross the verifications and action messages.
Public fieldStatic memberCssAdvancedPart
CSS class of the TreeList pager navigation buttons part div.
Public fieldStatic memberCssApplyMobileBtn
The css of the Done button of mobile form.
Public fieldStatic memberCssApplyMobileBtnSpan
Public fieldStatic memberCssArrPart
The CSS class of the TreeList arrow part div.
Public fieldStatic memberCssCancelMobileBtn
The css of the Cancel button of mobile form.
Public fieldStatic memberCssCollapseButton
The CSS class of the collapse button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssColumnItemLabel
The CSS class of item`s label when RenderMode is Mobile.
Public fieldStatic memberCssCommandExport
The css class of export to built in buttons.
Public fieldStatic memberCssCurrentPage
The CSS class of the current page button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssEditedItem
The CSS of the edited item.
Public fieldStatic memberCssEditForm
The CSS class of the EditForm div.
Public fieldStatic memberCssExpandButton
The CSS class of the expand button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssFirstCell
The CSS class of the first cell in the item containing data.
Public fieldStatic memberCssHeaderRow
The CSS class of the header row.
Public fieldStatic memberCssInsertButton
The Css of the insert item button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLastPage
The CSS class of the "last page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLiteCollapseButton
The CSS class of the lightweight collapse button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLiteExpandButton
The CSS class of the lightweight expand button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLiteExpandCollapseButton
The CSS class of the lightweight expand button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLiteLastPage
The CSS class of the lightweight "last page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLitePageFirst
The CSS class of the lightweight "first page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLitePageNext
The CSS class of the lightweight "next page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssLitePagePrevious
The CSS class of the lightweight "previous page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssMobileColumnsDisplayForm
The key of the MobileColumnDisplayForm.
Public fieldStatic memberCssMobileCommandForm
The Css class of the mobile edit form.
Public fieldStatic memberCssMobileFormBackButton
The css of the Back button of mobile form.
Public fieldStatic memberCssMobileFormBackButtonSpan
The css of the Back button of mobile form.
Public fieldStatic memberCssMobileFormCancelButtonSpan
Public fieldStatic memberCssMobileFormColumnsOrderButton
The css of the Column order button of mobile form.
Public fieldStatic memberCssMobileFormColumnsOrderButtonSpan
The css of the Column order button of mobile form.
Public fieldStatic memberCssNumericPartDiv
The CSS class of the 'div' containing the numeric pages.
Public fieldStatic memberCssPageFirst
The CSS class of the "first page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssPageNext
The CSS class of the "next page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssPagePrevious
The CSS class of the "previous page" button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssPager
The CSS class of the TreeList Pager row.
Public fieldStatic memberCssPagerCell
The table cell containing the pager elements.
Public fieldStatic memberCssScrolling
The Css class of the data items container when scrolling is enabled.
Public fieldStatic memberCssSliderPagerLabel
The label of the slider pager.
Public fieldStatic memberCssSort
The CSS class of the TreeList sorting input button.
Public fieldStatic memberCssSortAscending
The ascending sort CSS class.
Public fieldStatic memberCssSortDescending
The descending sort CSS class.
Public fieldStatic memberCssStaticHeaderDiv
The Css class of the static header div.
Public fieldStatic memberCssTreeList
The TreeList CSS class.
Public fieldStatic memberCssTreeListCommandItem
The Css class of the command row.
Public fieldStatic memberCssTreeListFooter
The Css class of the footer row.
Public fieldStatic memberCssTreeListItem
The CSS class of the data item.
Public fieldStatic memberCssTreeListResizeToolTip
The TreeList resizing tooltip CSS class.
Public fieldStatic memberCssWrap
The CSS class of the TreeList pager wrapping div.
Public fieldStatic memberDataCellKey
The TreeList data cell key used accross the verifications and action messages.
Public fieldStatic memberDataItemKey
The TreeList Data Item key used accross the verifications and action messages.
Public fieldStatic memberFooterKey
The TreeList Footer key used accross the verifications and action messages.
Public fieldStatic memberHeaderKey
The TreeList header key used accross the verifications adn action messages.
Public fieldStatic memberIdCancelButton
The ID of the cancel button in the edit form.
Public fieldStatic memberIdChangePageSize
Id of the "change page size" Advanced Pager button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdCommandExportKey
The Id key of export to built in buttons.
Public fieldStatic memberIdCommandItemExcel
The Id of export to excel built in button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdCommandItemPdf
The Id export of to pdf built in button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdCommandItemWord
The Id of export to word built in button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdDeleteButton
The ID of the Delete button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdDeleteCommandColumn
The ID of the Delete button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdEditButton
The ID of the Edit button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdEditComamndButton
The ID of the Edit command button .
Public fieldStatic memberIdExpandCollapseButton
Id of the expand/collapse button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdGoToPage
Id of the "go to page" Advanced Pager button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdInsertButton
The ID of the Add button.
Public fieldStatic memberIdSelectCheckBox
The id of the checkbox in the select column.
Public fieldStatic memberIdUpdateButton
The ID of the update button in the edit form.
Public fieldStatic memberMobileColumnsDisplayFormID
The CSS class of the columns display form when RenderMode is Mobile.
Public fieldStatic memberMobileCommandFormkey
The key of the MobileColumnForm.
Public fieldStatic memberPagerKey
The TreeList Pager key used accross the verifications and action messages.
Public fieldStatic memberTreeListCommandItemKey
The key of the TreeListCommandItem.
Public fieldStatic memberTreeListKey
The TreeList key used accross the verifications and action messages.
See Also
