Mouse Class

Progress Software Corporation - Testing Framework 2018.1 Automation Infrastructure
Mouse events class.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace:  ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32
Assembly:  ArtOfTest.WebAii (in ArtOfTest.WebAii.dll) Version: 2018.1.116.0 (2018.1.116.0)

public class Mouse

The Mouse type exposes the following members.


Public propertyMouseMoveIntervalTime
Gets/Sets the mouse interval time between mouse move intervals. The default is set at 15msec. Typically you don't need to change this. If you want to configure the speed of the mouse move, use the Settings.SimulatedMouseMoveSpeed.

Public methodStatic memberCalculateOffset
Calculates the offset from the rectangles given a reference.
Public methodClick(MouseClickType, Point)
Simulate a mouse event (Target as a point object)
Public methodClick(MouseClickType, Rectangle)
Simulate a mouse event (Target a rectangle). Will click absolute center of target rectangle.
Public methodClick(MouseClickType, Int32, Int32)
Simulate a mouse event.
Public methodClick(MouseClickType, Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference)
Simulate a mouse event (Target as a rectangle with offset)
Public methodDetectHotSpot
Given a rectangle and optionally a cursor, this function will detect the cursor change
Public methodDragDrop(Point, Point)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodDragDrop(Rectangle, Rectangle)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop. (Uses center point of each rectangle)
Public methodDragDrop(Point, Point, Int32, Int32)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodDragDrop(Rectangle, Rectangle, Int32, Int32)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop. (Uses center point of each rectangle)
Public methodDragDrop(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Simulates a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodDragDrop(Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodDragDrop(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Simulates a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodDragDrop(Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference, Int32, Int32)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodDragDrop(Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodDragDrop(Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference, Int32, Int32)
Simulate a mouse drag and drop.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCursorHandle
Get the current cursor handle
Protected methodGetDistance
Gets the number of mouse move intervals depending on the current set speed and interval time. Any negative coordinates will be reset to zero automatically.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodGetRelativeNumOfMouseMoveIntervals(Int32)
Gets the number of mouse move intervals depending on the current set speed and interval time. DistanceInPixels(pixels) = NumOfIntervals(const) * IntervalTime(msec) * Speed(pixels/msec)
Protected methodGetRelativeNumOfMouseMoveIntervals(Point, Point)
Gets the number of mouse move intervals depending on the current set speed and interval time.
Protected methodGetRelativeNumOfMouseMoveIntervals(Rectangle, Rectangle)
Gets the number of mouse move intervals depending on the current set speed and interval time. Uses the absolute centers of passed in rectangles.
Protected methodGetRelativeNumOfMouseMoveIntervals(Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference)
Returns the relative number of mouse move intervals given a start/end locations.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodHoverOver(Point)
HoverOver (Target a point).
Public methodHoverOver(Rectangle)
Hover over (Target the center of the target rectangle).
Public methodHoverOver(Int32, Int32)
Simulates a mouse hover over. Simply moves the mouse pointer over the X,Y passed in. Can also be used to move the mouse to a certain location.
Public methodHoverOver(Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference)
Hover over (Target is a rectangle with an offset).
Public methodMatchCursor
Tests whether or not the current mouse handle matches a specified handle. Can be used to check if the current mouse cursor is a particular value.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMove(Point, Point)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Rectangle, Rectangle)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Point, Point, Int32, Int32)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Rectangle, Rectangle, Int32, Int32)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Point, OffsetReference, Int32, Int32)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodMove(Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference, Rectangle, Int32, Int32, OffsetReference, Int32, Int32)
Move the mouse from the start to the end location
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTurnWheel
Move the mouse wheel by a certain delta
Public methodStatic memberValidateNonNegativePoint
Validate that the specified point coordinates is non-negative. If it is negative, it will be reset to zero.
See Also
