FindStrategy Enumeration

Progress Software Corporation - Testing Framework 2018.1 Automation Infrastructure
The FindStrategy to use when finding or waiting on elements in the VisualTree.

Namespace:  ArtOfTest.WebAii.Silverlight
Assembly:  ArtOfTest.WebAii (in ArtOfTest.WebAii.dll) Version: 2018.1.116.0 (2018.1.116.0)

public enum FindStrategy

  Member nameValueDescription
AlwaysWaitForElementsVisible0 Wait for elements to be visible.
WhenNotVisibleReturnElementProxy1 Return the element proxy when is not visible or null.
WhenNotVisibleReturnNull2 Return null when the element is not visible or null.
WhenNotVisibleThrowException3 Throw an exception when the element is null.
See Also
