Telerik.WebAii.Controls.Xaml.Wpf.RibbonBar NamespaceTelerik Inc. - Testing Framework Automation Infrastructure

Public classQuickAccessToolBar
Represents the Wpf RadRibbonBar's QuickAccessToolBar control wrapper.
Public classRadRibbonBar
Represents the Wpf RadRibbonBar control wrapper.
Public classRadRibbonButton
Represents the Wpf RadRibbonBar's Button control wrapper.
Public classRadRibbonDropDownButton
Represents the Wpf RadRibbonBar's DropDownButton control wrapper.
Public classRadRibbonGroup
Represents the Wpf RadRibbonGroup control wrapper.
Public classRadRibbonRadioButton
Represents the Wpf RadRibbonRadioButton control wrapper.
Public classRadRibbonSplitButton
Represents the RadRibbonSplitButton for Wpf control wrapper.
Public classWindowTitle
Represents the Wpf WindowTitle control wrapper.