FindByNodeIndexPath Method (String)

Progress Software Corporation - Testing Framework 2018.1 Automation Infrastructure
Returns an element by searching for it using a node index path.

For example: 

This call: ByNodeIndexPath("0/2/0/1") describes the <target></target> element in the below hierarchy:


Namespace:  ArtOfTest.WebAii.Core
Assembly:  ArtOfTest.WebAii (in ArtOfTest.WebAii.dll) Version: 2018.1.116.0 (2018.1.116.0)

public Element ByNodeIndexPath(
	string nodeIndexPath


Type: SystemString
The node index path. This is a forward slash delimited list of tree node indexes that describe a specific path to a target element while ignoring the actual element tags and simply describing the hierarchal relationship to that element.

Return Value

Type: Element
The found element. The function returns null if no element is found.
See Also
