
Teams provide a mechanism for associating items such as stories, bugs, risks, or issues to groups within your organization in addition to (or instead of) assignment directly to a team member. Most screens within the application can then be sorted, grouped, or filtered based on team assignments, providing a rich experience for team-based work flows. 

Defining Teams

To create, edit, or delete teams, go to the project setting page and choose Teams

To manage teams you must have permission to edit project settings.  If the Teams link is not visible, you may not have this permission in the current project.

Creating a new team is quite simple: press the Add Team button, type a desired team name into the new row that appears in the grid, and press enter.

If you wish to edit the name of a team, click on the team name.

Deleting a team requires selecting the row in the grid, then pressing the Delete Team button. You will be asked to confirm the deletion, at which point you can cancel or continue. Any items that were associated with the deleted team will be given a blank association.

Associating Teams with Work Items

Stories, Bugs, Risks, and Issues will allow you to associate a team to a particular item. Creating the association is as simple as selecting the desired team from the provided dropdown box within the properties panel of the item you are editing.  If you don't have permission to edit the item, you will not be able to change the team assignment.

To remove an existing association, you may either select a different team from the list or use the clear button within the dropdown control.