TeamPulse offers integration with Telerik Test Studio for better coordination between requirements and tests and for automatic creation of bugs found with Test Studio - right into TeamPulse. Failed tests in Test Studio can be automatically logged as bugs into TeamPulse with information about the failed step. In addition Test Studio can add details about the failed test like execution log and screenshot of the failed step as an attachment to the logged TeamPulse bug. You can find more information in the Test Studio documentation - here. Existing acceptance criteria in TeamPulse (as part of items like stories or bugs) can be associated to Test Studio functional tests. This provides better ground for the communication between business owners and testers giving transparency about converting requirements into tests. You can find more information in the Test Studio documentation - here.Telerik Test Studio Integration
Test Studio - TeamPulse Bug Tracking
Link TeamPulse Acceptance Criteria with Test Studio Functional Tests