Personal Pronouns and Gender Neutrality

Personal pronouns ("he", "she") help avoid repetition when referring to the user or to another subject.

However, presuming the gender of the user is not politically correct and has to be avoided.

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Non-native English writers need to be especially attentive because some languages, such as Bulgarian or German, stipulate gender for all nouns (with small exceptions). In these languages, personal pronoun usage depends on the gender of the noun it replaces, which makes it easy to wrongfully carry the rule over to English.


  • Use the gender-neutral "they"/"their"/"theirs" instead of "he"/"him"/"his" or "she"/"her"/"hers", or "he or she"/"him or her"/"his or hers".
  • If impossible to use "their", rephrase the sentence and eliminate the use of the pronoun. Repeating words is tolerable in technical literature if it helps avoid confusion.
  • Avoid the unnecessary gendering of the language.
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