MaskedTextBox JSP Tag Overview

The MaskedTextBox JSP tag is a server-side wrapper for the Kendo UI MaskedTextBox widget.

Getting Started


Below are listed the steps for you to follow when configuring the Kendo UI MaskedTextBox for binding to data, passed as a model attribute in Spring MVC.

Step 1 Make sure you followed all the steps from the introductory article on Telerik UI for JSP.

Step 2 Create a new action method which renders the view.

    @RequestMapping(value = {"index"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String index() {

        return "web/maskedtextbox/index";

Step 3 Add the Kendo UI taglib mapping to the page.

    <%@taglib prefix="kendo" uri=""%>

Step 4 Add a maskedtextbox tag.

    <kendo:maskedTextBox name="maskedtextbox" mask="(999) 000-0000" value="555 123 4567">

Mask Values Definition

The MaskedTextBox has a list of predefined mask rules, which can be used to compose the mask of the widget.

The example below demonstrates how to set a zip code mask.

    <kendo:maskedTextBox name="maskedtextbox" mask="00000-9999">


If no mask is defined, widget allows for any input.

Custom Mask Rules Setup

The MaskedTextBox enables you to define custom mask rules if none of the predefined ones is sufficient. To add a custom rule, use the rules attribute.

The example below demonstrates how to defines a custom rule for the - and + symbols.

        HashMap<String, String> rules = new HashMap<String, String>();

        rules.put("~", "/[+-]/");

    <kendo:maskedTextBox name="maskedtextbox" mask="~0000" rules="<%=rules%>">


The widgets support JavaScript Regular Expressions, defined as a string or a JavaScript function.

Event Handling

Subscribe to Events

You can subscribe to all events exposed by Kendo UI MaskedTextBox by the handler name.

<kendo:maskedTextBox name="maskedtextbox" change="maskedtextbox_change"></kendo:maskedTextBox>

    function maskedtextbox_change() {
        //Handle the change event


Existing Instances

You are able to reference an existing MaskedTextBox instance via the Once a reference is established, you are able to use the MaskedTextBox API to control its behavior.

//Put this after your Kendo MaskedTextBox tag declaration
$(function() {
    // Notice that the Name() of the maskedtextbox is used to get its client-side instance
    var maskedtextbox = $("#maskedtextbox").data("kendoMaskedTextBox");

See Also

In this article