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The Captcha Provider

This article explains how to set up the server-side provider for the Kendo UI Captcha. The provider generates and validates Captchas through helper classes and methods.

The following list provides information about the default requests and responses for the reset, audio, and validate operations.

  • reset—Makes a GET request to the server to generate a new Captcha image. The response contains the new captcha image (in the snippet below - an endpoint that returns the new image) and the captchaId.

    {captcha: "/kendo-ui-dev/captcha/image?captchaid=36967dc7-0ae1-4175-9bb7-9d7f34409889", captchaId: "36967dc7-0ae1-4175-9bb7-9d7f34409889"}
  • audio—Makes a GET request containing the captchaId. The response from the server does not contain any parameters. Instead, an audio representation of the Captcha image begins.

  • validate—Makes a GET request containing the captchaId and the text which the user has typed in the input field. If the input text matches the image text, the response is true. If the input text doesn't match the image text, the response is false.


The server-side Kendo UI Captcha provider comes with the Telerik.Web.Captcha NuGet package.

To install the Telerik.Web.Captcha NuGet package:

  1. Right-click the project and select Manage NuGet Packages...
  2. Make sure that the private Telerik UI NuGet feed is configured.
  3. Search for and install the Telerik.Web.Captcha NuGet package.

In the C# backend file or controller, add references to the following namespaces:

    using System;
    using System.Drawing.Imaging;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Web.Mvc;
    using Telerik.Web.Captcha;

The code snippet below shows a basic setup for the controller with the necessary endpoints for the Captcha:

using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.IO;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using Telerik.Web.Captcha;

namespace Kendo.Controllers
    public class CaptchaController : Controller

        public ActionResult Reset()
            CaptchaImage newCaptcha = CaptchaHelper.GetNewCaptcha();

            Session["captcha" + newCaptcha.UniqueId] = newCaptcha;

            return Json(new
                captcha = Url.Action("image", "captcha", new { captchaId = newCaptcha.UniqueId }),
                captchaId = newCaptcha.UniqueId
            }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

        public ActionResult Image(string captchaId)
            CaptchaImage captcha = (CaptchaImage)Session["captcha" + captchaId];
            var image = CaptchaHelper.RenderCaptcha(captcha);
            byte[] bmpBytes;

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                image.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png);
                bmpBytes = ms.ToArray();

            return File(bmpBytes, "image/png");

        public ActionResult Audio(string captchaId)
            CaptchaImage captcha = (CaptchaImage)Session["captcha" + captchaId];
            byte[] bmpBytes;

            using (MemoryStream audio = CaptchaHelper.SpeakText(captcha))
                bmpBytes = audio.ToArray();

            return File(bmpBytes, "audio/wav");

        public ActionResult Validate(string captchaId, string captcha)
            CaptchaImage captchaImage = (CaptchaImage)Session["captcha" + captchaId];

            return Json(CaptchaHelper.Validate(captchaImage, captcha.ToUpperInvariant()), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


See Also

In this article