
Array of items to be rendered as checkboxes in the CheckBoxGroup. If the array contains objects, their fields will be used for each checkbox configuration. If the array contains strings, those will be used as both value and label of the respective checkbox.



Configuration Attributes

attributes java.lang.Object

Collection of key-value pairs that would be used to generate the attributes attached to each k-checkbox-item element.


<kendo:checkBoxGroup-item attributes="attributes">

cssClass java.lang.String

Any custom classes that should be attached to the k-checkbox-item element.


<kendo:checkBoxGroup-item cssClass="cssClass">

enabled boolean

Defines whether the checkbox is enabled or not. By default all checkboxes are enabled.


<kendo:checkBoxGroup-item enabled="enabled">

encoded boolean

Determines whether the checkbox label content should be rendered as an HTML string or it should be encoded.


<kendo:checkBoxGroup-item encoded="encoded">

label java.lang.String

Specifies the label content for the checkbox.


<kendo:checkBoxGroup-item label="label">

value java.lang.String

Specifies the value for the checkbox.


<kendo:checkBoxGroup-item value="value">
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