SideDrawer for Xamarin.iOS: Getting Started

This quick start tutorial demonstrates how to create a simple iOS application with TKSideDrawer.

Setting up TKSideDrawer with TKSideDrawerController

Now that our project is created and the TelerikUI.framework is added, we can start referencing and using the TelerikUI types:

Open your UIViewController file and add a reference to the TelerikUI namespace:

using TelerikUI;

Note that starting with Xcode 6 Apple doesn't generate the precompiled headers file automatically. That is why you should add import the UIKit framework before importing TelerikUI:

using UIKit;

Type the following code in your AppDelegate implementation class inside the FinishedLaunching method:

[Register ("AppDelegate")]
public partial class AppDelegate : UIApplicationDelegate
    // class-level declarations

    public override UIWindow Window {

    public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
        SideDrawerGettingStarted main = new SideDrawerGettingStarted ();
        TKSideDrawerController sideDrawerController = new TKSideDrawerController (main);
        this.Window.RootViewController = sideDrawerController;

        return true;


This code creates an instance of TKSideDrawerController and sets it as a root view controller. TKSideDrawerController is a containter controller that has an TKSideDrawer instance embedded inside. The instance is then used by the content controllers of the TKSideDrawerController.

The next step is to add UINavigationBar, and items to our SideDrawer. You can get the TKSideDrawer instance from the TKSideDrawerController using the sideDrawer property.

Or, instead of using the sideDrawer property, you can call the TKSideDrawer class method findSideDrawerForViewController: (especially useful and necessary for the C# implementation).

Type the following code in the viewDidLoad method of the content controller:

public class SideDrawerGettingStarted : UIViewController
    TKSideDrawer SideDrawer;

    public override void ViewDidLoad ()
        base.ViewDidLoad ();

        this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Gray;

        UINavigationBar navBar = new UINavigationBar (new CGRect (0, 0, this.View.Frame.Size.Width, 64));
        UINavigationItem navItem = new UINavigationItem ("Getting Started");
        UIBarButtonItem showSideDrawerButton = new UIBarButtonItem ("Show", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, this, new Selector ("ShowSideDrawer"));
        navItem.LeftBarButtonItem = showSideDrawerButton;
        navBar.Items = new UINavigationItem[]{ navItem };
        this.View.AddSubview (navBar);

        this.SideDrawer = TKSideDrawer.FindSideDrawer (0, this);
        TKSideDrawerSection sectionPrimary = this.SideDrawer.AddSection ("Primary");
        sectionPrimary.AddItem ("Social");
        sectionPrimary.AddItem ("Promotions");

        TKSideDrawerSection sectionLabels = this.SideDrawer.AddSection ("Labels");
        sectionLabels.AddItem ("Important");
        sectionLabels.AddItem ("Starred");
        sectionLabels.AddItem ("Sent Mail");
        sectionLabels.AddItem ("Drafts");

    [Export ("ShowSideDrawer")]
    public void ShowSideDrawer ()
        this.SideDrawer.Show ();

Attaching TKSideDrawer to UIViewController

TKSideDrawer can be attached to your view controllers without TKSideDrawerController. In such a scenario, you should initialize TKSideDrawerView that should be added as subview to your UIViewController's view and use its mainView property to set up the content of the view.

public class SideDrawerGettingStarted : XamarinExampleViewController
    private TKSideDrawerSection primarySection;
    private TKSideDrawerSection labelsSection;
    SideDrawerDelegate sideDrawerDelegate;

    public UINavigationItem NavItem {

    public TKSideDrawerView SideDrawerView {

    public override void ViewDidLoad ()
        base.ViewDidLoad ();

        this.SideDrawerView = new TKSideDrawerView (this.View.Bounds);
        this.SideDrawerView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
        this.View.AddSubview (this.SideDrawerView);

        UIImageView backgroundView = new UIImageView (this.SideDrawerView.MainView.Bounds);
        backgroundView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight;
        backgroundView.Image = UIImage.FromBundle ("sdk-examples-bg.png");
        this.SideDrawerView.MainView.AddSubview (backgroundView);

        UINavigationBar navBar = new UINavigationBar (new CGRect (0, 0, this.SideDrawerView.MainView.Bounds.Width, 44));
        navBar.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth;
        this.NavItem = new UINavigationItem ();
        UIBarButtonItem showSideDrawer = new UIBarButtonItem (UIImage.FromBundle ("menu.png"), UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, this, new Selector ("ShowSideDrawer"));
        this.NavItem.LeftBarButtonItem = showSideDrawer;
        navBar.Items = new UINavigationItem[] { this.NavItem };
        this.SideDrawerView.MainView.AddSubview (navBar);

        primarySection = new TKSideDrawerSection ("Primary");
        primarySection.AddItem ("Social");
        primarySection.AddItem ("Promotions");

        labelsSection = new TKSideDrawerSection ("Labels");
        labelsSection.AddItem ("Important");
        labelsSection.AddItem ("Starred");
        labelsSection.AddItem ("Sent Mail");
        labelsSection.AddItem ("Drafts");

        this.sideDrawerDelegate = new SideDrawerDelegate ();
        TKSideDrawer sideDrawer = this.SideDrawerView.SideDrawers[0];
        sideDrawer.HeaderView = new SideDrawerHeader (true, this, new Selector ("DismissSideDrawer"));
        sideDrawer.AddSection (primarySection);
        sideDrawer.AddSection (labelsSection);
        sideDrawer.Delegate = this.sideDrawerDelegate;

        sideDrawer.Style.HeaderHeight = 44;
        sideDrawer.Style.ShadowMode = TKSideDrawerShadowMode.Hostview;
        sideDrawer.Style.ShadowOffset = new CGSize (-2f, -0.5f);
        sideDrawer.Style.ShadowRadius = 5;

    public override void ViewWillDisappear (bool animated)
        base.ViewWillDisappear (animated);
        if (this.NavigationController != null) {
            this.NavigationController.InteractivePopGestureRecognizer.Enabled = true;


    [Export ("ShowSideDrawer")]
    public void ShowSideDrawer()

    [Export ("DismissSideDrawer")]
    public void DismissSideDrawer()

SideDrawer Getting Started example can be found in our Native Xamarin.iOS examples.

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