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How to use complex types in DataForm editors


Product Version 2018.3.1122
Product DataForm for Xamarin


In general, RadDataForm works with simple property types (string, int, long) and when you are using a custom type - the native Data Form is not sure what native type corresponds to the one you are using so it disregards the property. With this in mind, we have introduced a mechanism that maps the property declared in Xamarin.Forms to a native one. Below are the needed steps to enable this on Android and iOS.


First, create the custom property you will use inside the DataForm PickerEditor:

public class City : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string name;
    public string Name 
            UpdateValue(ref name, value);

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return this.Name.Equals((obj as City)?.Name);

Create a sample SourceItem class which will be the Source of RadDataForm, it has a property of type City:

public class SourceItem  : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string name;

    private City city;

    [DisplayOptions(Header = "Name")]
    public string Name 
            UpdateValue(ref name, value);


    [DisplayOptions(Header = "City")]  
    public City City 
            UpdateValue(ref city, value);

Here is the provider:

public class CityDataSourceProvider : PropertyDataSourceProvider
    public override IList GetSourceForKey(object key)
        if (key.Equals(nameof(SourceItem.City)))
            return new ObservableCollection<City>
                new City("Tokyo"),
                new City("London"),
                new City("Paris"),
                new City("New York City"),
                new City("Brussels"),
                new City("Berlin"),
                new City("Sofia")
        return null;

Setting DataForm Source directly

Add a simple RadDataForm definition to your page:

<telerikInput:RadDataForm x:Name="dataForm" />

Add some code for setting its Source and registering the PickerEditor in code-behind. In addition, you would need to supply a PropertyDataSourceProvider for the Picker ItemsSource:

this.dataForm.Source = new SourceItem();
this.dataForm.RegisterEditor(nameof(SourceItem.City), EditorType.PickerEditor);
this.dataForm.PropertyDataSourceProvider = new CityDataSourceProvider();

Setting Source using Mvvm approach

RadDataForm definition with Source property binded to the Item proeprty formt he ViewModel:

<telerikInput:RadDataForm x:Name="dataForm" 
                                  Source="{Binding Item}"

And in page's code behind:

// set the binding context
this.vm = new ViewModel();
this.BindingContext = vm;
// set the source provided
this.dataForm.PropertyDataSourceProvider = new CitySourceProvider();
// register the editor
this.dataForm.RegisterEditor(nameof(SourceItem.City), EditorType.PickerEditor);

The ViewModel used:

public class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private SourceItem _item;

    public ViewModel()
        // initialize the item, otherwize the dataform source returns null. 
        _item = new SourceItem();   
    public SourceItem Item
            return this._item;
            if (this._item != value)
                this._item = value;

That's all on the shared project.

Native Implementation inside the Android project

Now, let's continue the implementation with the Android project. The City type should be converted to a Java type through a Telerik.XamarinForms.Common.Android.TypeRegister inside the MainActivity.cs file of the Android project (call it before LoadApplication):

public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
        TypeRegister.Register(typeof(City), typeof(JavaCity), new MyTypeConverter());
        LoadApplication(new App());

Add the needed MyTypeConverter and JavaCity classes:

public class JavaCity : ConvertibleObject<City>
    public JavaCity(City instance) : base(instance)
    // the display value in editor
    public override string ToString()
        return Instance.Name;

public class MyTypeConverter : ITypeConverter
    public Java.Lang.Object Convert(object sourceObject)
        return new JavaCity((City)sourceObject);
    public object ConvertBack(Java.Lang.Object nativeObject)
        return (nativeObject as JavaCity).Instance;

Lastly, let's go to the iOS project. Again, go to AppDelegate.cs and add the needed code to convert the City type through Telerik.XamarinForms.Common.iOS.TypeRegister method:

public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
    LoadApplication(new App());

    TypeRegister.Register(typeof(City), typeof(NSCity), new MyTypeConverter());
    return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);

And here are the final bits:

public class NSCity : ConvertibleObject<City>
    public NSCity(City instance) : base(instance)
    // the display value in editor
    public override string Description
            return Instance.Name;
public class MyTypeConverter : ITypeConverter
    public NSObject Convert(object sourceObject)
        return new NSCity((City)sourceObject);

    public object ConvertBack(NSObject nativeObject)
        return (nativeObject as NSCity).Instance;

Here is the DataForm while setting City property:

DataForm ComplexType Editor

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