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RadRichTextEditor component exposes the following events:

  • OpenHyperlinkError: Raised when users try to open invalid urls in the editor. The OpenHyperlinkError event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • OpenHyperlinkErrorEventArgs provides the following properties:
      • Error - of type System.Exception, can be used to get the exact error message;
      • Url - of type string, defining the url of the hyperlink;
      • Handled - boolean property indicating whether the event is handled.
  • IsReadOnlyChanged: Raised when read-only mode of the RichTextEditor is switched. The IsReadOnlyChanged event receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<bool> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type bool, indicating the IsReadOnly property change.
  • FontFamilyChanged: Raised when the FontFamily property of the RichTextEditor is modified. The FontFamilyChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<string> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type string, indicating the FontFamily property change.
  • FontSizeChanged: Raised when the FontSize property of the RichTextEditor is modified. The FontSizeChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<RichTextUnit> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type RichTextUnit, indicating the FontFamily property change.
  • FontAttributesChanged: Raised when the FontAttributes, such as bold, italic, subscript and superscript is modified. The FontAttributesChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<RichTextFontAttributes> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type RichTextFontAttributes, indicating the FontAttributes property change.
  • TextDecorationsChanged: Raised when the TextDecorations, such as underline and strikethrough is modified. The TextDecorationsChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<RichTextDecorations> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type RichTextDecorations, indicating the TextDecorations property change.
  • TextFormattingChanged: Raised when the TextFormatting, such as such as heading, paragraph or quotation is modified. The TextFormattingChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<RichTextFormatting> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type RichTextFormatting, indicating the TextFormatting property change.
  • HorizontalTextAlignmentChanged: Raised when the HorizontalTextAlignment, such as left, right, center or justify is modified. The HorizontalTextAlignmentChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<RichTextHorizontalAlignment> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type RichTextHorizontalAlignment, indicating the HorizontalTextAlignment property change.
  • ListTypeChanged: Raised when the ListType, such as numbered or bulleted list is modified. The ListTypeChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<RichTextListType> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type RichTextListType, indicating the ListType property change.
  • TextColorChanged: Raised when the TextColor property of the RichTextEditor is updated. The TextColorChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<Color> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type Color, indicating the TextColor property change.
  • HighlightTextColorChanged: Raised when the HighlightTextColor property of the RichTextEditor is updated. The HighlightTextColorChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<Color> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type Color, indicating the HighlightTextColor property change.
  • SelectionRangeChanged: Raised when the SelectionRange, which defines the start and end position of the currently selected inside the editor text, is updated. The SelectionRangeChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<RichTextSelectionRange> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type RichTextSelectionRange, indicating the SelectionRange property change.
  • IsHyperlinkSelectedChanged: Raised when a hyperlink inside the editor is selected. The IsHyperlinkSelectedChanged event handler receives two parameters:

    • The Sender which is the RichTextEditor control;
    • RadValueChangedEventArgs<bool> provides NewValue and OldValue properties of type bool, indicating the IsHyperlinkSelected property change.

See Also

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