HubTile Service

HubTileService provides the ability to group hub tiles with a group tag and to freeze or unfreeze groups of hub tiles.


  • GroupTag (attached property): Identifies the GroupTag attached property.
  • GetGroupTag: Gets the group tag of the provided hub tile.
  • SetGroupTag: Sets the group tag of the specified hub tile to the specified value.
  • FreezeGroup: Freezes a group of hub tiles.
  • UnfreezeGroup: Unfreezes a group of hub tiles.


Here's an example using HubTileService:

<telerik:RadSlideHubTile UpdateInterval="0:0:1" VerticalAlignment="Top" telerik:HubTileService.GroupTag="firstGroup"  >
        <TextBlock Text="firstTopContent"/>
        <TextBlock Text="firstBottomContent"/>
<telerik:RadSlideHubTile UpdateInterval="0:0:1" x:Name="secondHubTile" telerik:HubTileService.GroupTag="secondGroup">
        <TextBlock Text="secondTopContent"/>
        <TextBlock Text="secondBottomContent"/>
<telerik:RadSlideHubTile UpdateInterval="0:0:1" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" telerik:HubTileService.GroupTag="firstGroup">
        <TextBlock Text="thirdTopContent"/>
        <TextBlock Text="thirdBottomContent"/>
  1. First, we freeze the HubTiles with GroupTag = "firstGroup"

  2. Then, we get the GroupTag of the second HubTile and freeze it.

    var groupTag = HubTileService.GetGroupTag(secondHubTile);
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