

  1. AnimatedIndicatorContent (object) - Gets or sets the content of the expander indicator. By default this property is set to an image visualizing arrow.
  2. AnimatedIndicatorContentTemplate (DataTemplate) - Gets or sets an instance of the DataTemplate class that defines the visual appearance of the content defined by the AnimatedIndicatorContent property.
  3. AnimatedIndicatorStyle (Style) - Gets or sets the style applied to the ContentPresenter hosting the AnimatedIndicatorContent.
  4. ExpandableContent (object) - Gets or sets the collapsible/expandable content.
  5. ExpandableContentTemplate (DataTemplate) - Gets or sets an instance of the DataTemplate class that defines the visual appearance of the content defined by the ExpandableContent property.
  6. ExpandedStateContent (object) - Gets or sets the content which is visualized when the control is in expanded state.
  7. ExpandedStateContentTemplate (DataTemplate) - Gets or sets an instance of the DataTemplate class that defines the visual appearance of the content defined by the ExpandedStateContentTemplate property.
  8. IsExpandable (bool) - Gets or sets a boolean value indicating if the user is allowed to change the state of the control.
  9. IsExpanded (bool) - Gets or sets a boolean value indicating the current state of the control.
  10. UseOptimizedMeasure (bool) - Gets or sets a boolean value which determines whether the expandable content is measured only when the control is being expanded or at the initial layout pass for the whole control.

When an optimized measure pass is used, some delays in the expansion may occur depending on the complexity of the expandable content's template.


  1. ExpandedStateChanged - Occurs when the IsExpanded property has changed.
  2. ExpandedStateChanging - Occurs when the IsExpanded property is about to change.
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