Properties and Configurations

Here are the properties supported by the DataGrid control:

  • SelectionChanged: Occurs when the currently selected items change.
  • ItemsSource: Gets or sets the data provider.
  • AutoGenerateColumns (bool): Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the grid will generate automatically columns for every property of the data items in the ItemsSource.
  • AggregateDescriptors: Gets the collection of AggregateDescriptor objects that defines the current aggregate functions to be applied when the data view is computed.
  • SortDescriptors: Gets the collection of SortDescriptorBase objects that defines the current sorting within this instance. Multiple sort descriptors define a sorting operation by multiple keys.
  • GroupDescriptors: Gets the collection of GroupDescriptorBase objects that defines the current grouping within this instance. Multiple group descriptors define multiple group levels.
  • FilterDescriptors: Gets the collection of FilterDescriptorBase objects that defines the current filtering within this instance.
  • ColumnDataOperationsMode (ColumnDataOperationsMode): Gets or sets the columns related data operations (filtering, sort and grouping) display mode.
  • UserEditMode (DataGridUserEditMode): Gets or sets the user edit mode of the DataGrid.
  • UserSortMode (DataGridUserSortMode): Gets or sets a value that defines how User Input (column header tap) affects the current Sort state of the grid.
  • UserGroupMode (DataGridUserGroupMode): Gets or sets a value that determines whether the User is allowed to change the current Grouping state through the User Interface.
  • UserColumnReorderMode (DataGridUserColumnReorderMode): Gets or sets a value that defines how User Input (draging column header over another headers) affects the current column position in the grid.
  • FrozenColumnsCount: Specifies how many columns will be frozen from the beginning of the grid.
  • UserFilterMode (DataGridUserFilterMode): Gets or sets a value that defines whether the Filter Glyph is present in the header of the currently available filterable columns.
  • DragBehavior: Gets or sets the behavior controling drag operations inside the DataGrid.
  • IndentWidth: Gets or sets a value that is used to offset different levels of nested groups.
  • GroupHeaderDisplayMode: Gets or sets the DataGridGroupHeaderDisplayMode value that determines how group headers are displayed.
    • Frozen: The path of group headers to the first visible data item are frozen on top of other content.
    • Scrollable: Group headers are scrollable together with the content.
  • GroupHeaderTemplate: Gets or sets the DataTemplate instance that defines the appearance of each group header within the grid. The data context of each group header will be a GroupHeaderContext instance.
  • GroupHeaderTemplateSelector: Gets or sets the DataTemplateSelector instance that may be used to select a group header template on a per header instance basis. The "Item" parameter of the DataTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate method will be a GroupHeaderContext instance.
  • GroupHeaderStyle: Gets or sets the Style instance that defines the appearance of all the group headers within the grid. The style instance should target the DataGridGroupHeader type.
  • GroupHeaderStyleSelector: Gets or sets the StyleSelector instance that may be used to select different styles on a per group header basis. The style instance returned should target the DataGridGroupHeader type.
  • Commands: Gets the collection with all the custom commands registered with the CommandService. Custom commands have higher priority than the built-in (default) ones.
  • RowHeight: Gets or sets the standard height of rows in the control. The default is double.NaN (auto).
  • CommandService: Gets the CommandService instance that manages the commanding behavior of this instance.
  • HitTestService: Gets the HitTestService instance that provides methods for retrieving rows and cells from a given physical location.
  • RowBackground: Gets or sets the Brush that defines the fill of each row.
  • AlternateRowBackground: Gets or sets the Brush that defines the fill of the alternate rows, as defined by the AlternationStep property.
  • AlternationStep: Gets or sets the step between each two alternate rows. The Modulus (%) operand is applied over this value.
  • AlternationStartIndex: Gets or sets the zero-based index of the row which is considered as alternation start.
  • GridLinesBrush: Gets or sets the Brush value that defines the appearance of a grid's horizontal lines.
  • GridLinesVisibility: Gets or sets the GridLinesVisibility value that defines which grid lines are currently visible (displayed).
  • GridLinesThickness: Gets or sets the width of the vertical grid lines and the height of the horizontal grid lines.
  • SelectionUnit: Gets or sets the selection unit of the DataGrid.
  • SelectedItem: Gets or sets the selected item of the DataGrid.
  • SelectionMode: Gets or sets the selection mode of the DataGrid.
  • SelectedItems: Gets the currently selected items within this instance. The type of items within the collection depends on the current SelectionUnit value: The data item (row) when the selection unit is DataGridSelectionUnit.Row. A DataGridCellInfo object when the selection unit is DataGridSelectionUnit.Cell.
  • CanUserChooseColumns (bool) - Gets or sets a value indicating whether the user can choose which columns are visible.
  • ListenForNestedPropertyChange (bool) - Allows the DataGrid to listen for changes of the nested properties' values. By default it is false.


  • GetDataView(): Gets the IDataView instance that can be used to traverse and/or manipulate the data after all the Sort, Group and Filter operations are applied.
In this article