Display Horizontal Bar Chart

RadChart allows a series to be rendered vertically as well as horizontally. A series position depends on the axes that you define. Thus in order to display a bar series horizontally, you need to define the category axis as a vertical axis, rather than a horizontal axis. Define a Bar Chart with a Horizontal Series

The following example demonstrates how to create a RadCartesianChart with horizontal BarSeries.Chart-How To-Horizontal Bar Chart

Create a bar chart with swapped axes.

    <telerik:BarSeries CombineMode="Cluster" ItemsSource="{Binding Data1}">
            <telerik:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Value"/>
            <telerik:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category"/>
    <telerik:BarSeries CombineMode="Cluster" ItemsSource="{Binding Data2}">
            <telerik:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Value"/>
            <telerik:PropertyNameDataPointBinding PropertyName="Category"/>

Create a sample class for data:

public class SampleData
    public double Value { get; set; }
    public string Category { get; set; }

Create the view model:

public class SampleViewModel
    private Random r = new Random();

    public IEnumerable Data1 { get; private set; }
    public IEnumerable Data2 { get; private set; }

    public SampleViewModel()
        this.Data1 = (from c in Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                      select new SampleData
                          Category = "Category " + c,
                          Value = r.Next(10, 100)

        this.Data2 = (from c in Enumerable.Range(0, 10)
                      select new SampleData
                          Category = "Category " + c,
                          Value = r.Next(10, 100)

Set the chart data context.

protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
    this.DataContext = new SampleViewModel();
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