Drop-down Styling

RadAutoCompleteBox does not expose a specific style property for modifying the look and feel of the drop-down control, but you can achieve this by setting implicit styles for the custom controls that represent the filtered items list (SuggestionItemsControl) and its items (SuggestionItem).

To set a SuggestionItemsControl or SuggestionItem style, first you will have to add a namespace definition to the Telerik.Windows.Controls.AutoCompleteTextBox namespace.


The code below demonstrates how to change the drop-down width with implicit style for the SuggestionItemsControl control:

<telerikInput:RadAutoCompleteBox >
        <Style TargetType="autoComplete:SuggestionItemsControl" >
            <Setter Property="Width" Value="350" />

Rad Auto Complete Box-Suggestions Control Style

To change the font size and foreground of every suggestion item, for example, you can apply a custom SuggestionItem style like this:

<telerikInput:RadAutoCompleteBox >
        <Style TargetType="autoComplete:SuggestionItem" >
            <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="23" />
            <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="#B45121" />

Rad Auto Complete Box-Suggestion Item

See Also

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