
This article will describe the ways to position a RadWindow prior to opening.


The WindowStartupLocation property is an enumeration that provides you with the following values:

  • CenterScreen: Positions the RadWindow in the center of the screen, when opened.

  • CenterOwner: Positions the RadWindow in the center of its owner, if there is one.

The Owner property specifies the control, that owns the RadWindow. When the WindowStartupLocation is CenterOwner, the RadWindow will get centered relatively to its owner. Note that the Owner property should be of type RadWindow.

If you assign the Owner to be a RadWindow, make sure that you have opened the owner window prior to opening the child. Otherwise, you will get an InvalidOperationException.

  • Manual: Positions the RadWindow in the top-left corner of the screen. (default)


When the WindowStartupLocation is set to Manual you can use the Top and Left properties to specify the absolute distance in pixels from the top-left corner of the page.

You can use these properties to cascade the windows in your application.

See Also

In this article