Bind RadTreeView

One of the most common scenarios is populating the RadTreeView with data. In WPF data binding is one of the most powerful concepts. Data binding the RadTreeView can be done in several ways.

This tutorial will show you two of them:

  • Binding to an XML - using a XmlDataProvider.
  • Binding using grouping and CollectionViewSource.

XML Data Binding

  1. Define a XML source:

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
                        <AlbumName>Brand New Day</AlbumName> 
                                <SongName>1. A Thousand Years</SongName> 
                                <SongName>2. Desert Rose</SongName> 
                                <SongName>3. Big Lie Small World</SongName> 
                                <SongName>4. After The Rain Has Fallen</SongName> 
                                <SongName>5. Perfect Love...Gone Wrong</SongName> 
                                <SongName>6. Tomorrow We&apos;ll See</SongName> 
                                <SongName>7. Prelude To The End Of The Game</SongName> 
                                <SongName>8. Fill Her Up</SongName> 
                                <SongName>9. Ghost Story</SongName> 
                                <SongName>10. Brand New Day</SongName> 
                <ArtistName>Depeche Mode</ArtistName> 
                                <SongName>1. World In My Eyes</SongName> 
                                <SongName>2. Sweetest Perfection</SongName> 
                                <SongName>3. Personal Jesus</SongName> 
                                <SongName>4. Halo</SongName> 
                                <SongName>5. Waiting For The Night</SongName> 
                                <SongName>6. Enjoy The Silence</SongName> 
                                <SongName>7. Policy Of Truth</SongName> 
                                <SongName>8. Blue Dress</SongName> 
                                <SongName>9. Clean</SongName> 
  2. Define HierarchicalDataTemplates, which will "tell" the RadTreeView how to display the XML data.

        <telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="Artist"     
            ItemsSource="{Binding XPath=Albums/Album}"> 
            <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold" Text="{Binding XPath=ArtistName}" /> 
        <telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate DataType="Album"     
            ItemsSource="{Binding XPath=Songs/Song}"> 
            <TextBlock Foreground="Red" Text="{Binding XPath=AlbumName}" /> 
        <DataTemplate DataType="Song"> 
            <TextBlock FontStyle="Italic" Text="{Binding XPath=SongName}" /> 

    For more information about HierarchicalDataTemplates read here.

  3. To define the XML data you should use a XMLDataProvider. You need to point the Source property to the XML file and set the XPath property to the root element of the XML.

        <XmlDataProvider x:Key="XmlDataProvider" 
            XPath="/Artists" Source="Artists.xml"/> 
  4. Set the ItemsSource property of the RadTreeView.

        <telerik:RadTreeView x:Name="radTreeView" Margin="8" 
            ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource XmlDataProvider}, XPath=Artist}"/> 
  5. Run your demo. Here is the final result: Silverlight RadTreeView XML Data Source

You can download this demo as project in our CodeLibrary

Binding to a CollectionViewSource

This is a bit more advanced example. Say you have a flat collection of objects and you want to group it by some common property. For this example you have a collection of animals. Each Animal class has a Category property that you will use to create a hierarchical view. The grouping of the data can be easily achieved if you use the WPF ColelctionViewSource class.

  1. Define your data.

    • Create a class named Animal, which have two properties - Name and Category.

                  public class Animal 
                      public Animal(string name, Category category) 
                          this.Name = name; 
                          this.Category = category; 
                      public string Name 
                      public Category Category 
                  Public Class Animal 
                      Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal category As Category) 
                          Me.Name = name 
                          Me.Category = category 
                      End Sub 
                      Private _Name As String 
                      Public Property Name() As String 
                              Return _Name 
                          End Get 
                          Set(ByVal value As String) 
                              _Name = value 
                          End Set 
                      End Property 
                      Private _Category As Category 
                      Public Property Category() As Category 
                              Return _Category 
                          End Get 
                          Set(ByVal value As Category) 
                              _Category = value 
                          End Set 
                      End Property 
                  End Class 

      The Category property is of type Category which is an enumeration.

                  public enum Category 
                  Public Enum Category 
                  End Enum 
    • Create some sample data

                  public class Animal 
                      public Animal(string name, Category category) 
                          this.Name = name; 
                          this.Category = category; 
                      public string Name 
                      public Category Category 
                      public IEnumerable<Animal> AnimalList 
                              List<Animal> animalList = new List<Animal>(); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("California Newt", Category.Amphibians)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Giant Panda", Category.Bears)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Coyote", Category.Canines)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Golden Silk Spader", Category.Spiders)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Mandrill", Category.Primates)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Black Bear", Category.Bears)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Jaguar", Category.BigCats)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Bornean Gibbon", Category.Primates)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("African Wildcat", Category.BigCats)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Artic Fox", Category.Canines)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Tomato Frog", Category.Amphibians)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Grizzly Bear", Category.Bears)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Dingo", Category.Canines)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Gorilla", Category.Primates)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Green Tree Frog", Category.Amphibians)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Bald Vakari", Category.Primates)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Polar Bear", Category.Bears)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Black Widow Spider", Category.Spiders)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Bat-Eared Fox", Category.Canines)); 
                              animalList.Add(new Animal("Cheetah", Category.BigCats)); 
                              return animalList.AsEnumerable(); 
                  Public Class Animal 
                      Public Sub New(ByVal name As String, ByVal category As Category) 
                          Me.Name = name 
                          Me.Category = category 
                      End Sub 
                      Private _Name As String 
                      Public Property Name() As String 
                              Return _Name 
                          End Get 
                          Set(ByVal value As String) 
                              _Name = value 
                          End Set 
                      End Property 
                      Private _Category As Category 
                      Public Property Category() As Category 
                              Return _Category 
                          End Get 
                          Set(ByVal value As Category) 
                              _Category = value 
                          End Set 
                      End Property 
                      Public ReadOnly Property AnimalList() As IEnumerable(Of Animal) 
                              Dim animalList As New List(Of Animal)() 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("California Newt", Category.Amphibians)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Giant Panda", Category.Bears)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Coyote", Category.Canines)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Golden Silk Spader", Category.Spiders)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Mandrill", Category.Primates)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Black Bear", Category.Bears)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Jaguar", Category.BigCats)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Bornean Gibbon", Category.Primates)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("African Wildcat", Category.BigCats)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Artic Fox", Category.Canines)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Tomato Frog", Category.Amphibians)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Grizzly Bear", Category.Bears)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Dingo", Category.Canines)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Gorilla", Category.Primates)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Green Tree Frog", Category.Amphibians)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Bald Vakari", Category.Primates)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Polar Bear", Category.Bears)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Black Widow Spider", Category.Spiders)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Bat-Eared Fox", Category.Canines)) 
                              animalList.Add(New Animal("Cheetah", Category.BigCats)) 
                              Return animalList.AsEnumerable() 
                          End Get 
                      End Property 
                  End Class 
  2. Configure the CollectionViewSource.

    • Set the Source property to point to our collection.
    • Set the grouping using the GroupDescriptions.

              <sampleData:Animal x:Key="AnimalCollection"/> 
              <CollectionViewSource x:Key="CSV" 
                  Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource AnimalCollection}, Path=AnimalList}"> 
                      <PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Category"/> 
  3. Create data templates.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="AnimalTemplate"> 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}"/> 
        <telerik:HierarchicalDataTemplate x:Key="CategoryTemplate"   
                ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Items}"     
                ItemTemplate="{StaticResource AnimalTemplate}"> 
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name}" FontWeight="Bold"/> 
  4. Set the RadTreeView to point to the CollectionViewSource.

        <telerik:RadTreeView x:Name="radTreeView" Margin="8" 
            ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource CSV}, Path=Groups}" 
            ItemTemplate="{StaticResource CategoryTemplate}"/> 

The final result may be seen on the snapshot below: Silverlight RadTreeView CollectionViewSource

You can download this demo as project in our CodeLibrary

See Also

In this article