Document Protection

Document Protection allows defining and enforcing different editing restrictions in the document for a set of users and groups.

This article describes how this feature can be used in terms of UI and API of RadRichTextBox.

Defining the Users

The editing restrictions can be used with a set of users or groups. When document protection is enforced, each user will be able to edit only the parts of the document he/she has rights for and the parts that are editable by the group he/she belongs to.

The PermissionInfo class allows you to create permission objects, which later can be assigned to instances of the UserInfo class through the Group property. The permission type could be declared as Everyone, Group or Individual using the values of the PermissionType enumeration.

The users that will be able to edit the document and the groups they are in can be declared like this:

Example 1: Set Permissions to Users

this.radRichTextBox.Users = new PermissionInfoCollection()  
                            new PermissionInfo("jmiller", PermissionType.Individual, "James Miller"), 
                            new PermissionInfo("jsmith", PermissionType.Individual, "John Smith"), 
                            new PermissionInfo("rbrown", PermissionType.Individual, "Robert Brown"), 
                            new PermissionInfo("Administrators", PermissionType.Group, "Administrators"), 

The code from Example 1 determines 3 users and two groups but does not specify the relationship between the users and the groups. This is so because users have the potential to change their groups.

The collection kept in the Users property of RadRichTextBox is also used in the default ChangeEditingPermissionsDialog which creates the PermissionRangeInfos to be inserted in the document.

Changing the Current User

The current user of the document is set using the CurrentUser property of the editor. It is of type UserInfo - here in addition to the name, e-mail and user name of the user, the group that the user belongs to can also be passed.

Example 2: Change CurrentUser

 this.radRichTextBox.CurrentUser = new UserInfo("Users", "James Miller", "jmiller", ""); 

You can also create a collection with the UserInfos that will be interracting with the document and wire it with some UI of yours. For example, if you set-up the collection as follows:

Example 3: Create Collection of UserInfo objects

List<UserInfo> CurrentUsers = new List<UserInfo>()  
                    new UserInfo("Users", "James Miller", "jmiller", ""), 
                    new UserInfo("Administrators", "John Smith", "jsmith", ""), 
                    new UserInfo("Administrators", "Robert Brown", "rbrown", ""), 

You can declare a RadComboBox which will be used to change the current user in the following way:

Example 1: Declaring RadComboBox

<telerik:RadRibbonComboBox x:Name="comboBoxLoggedUser" Height="23" Width="150" DisplayMemberPath="RealName" SelectionChanged="comboBoxLoggedUser_SelectionChanged" /> 

and populate it like this:

Example 4: Populating RadComboBox

this.comboBoxLoggedUser.ItemsSource = dataContext.CurrentUsers; 
this.comboBoxLoggedUser.SelectedIndex = 0; 

Then, when the selected item of the combo changes, the CurrentUser of the editor will be updated:

Example 5: Update CurrentUser

private void comboBoxLoggedUser_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e) 
    this.radRichTextBox.CurrentUser = this.comboBoxLoggedUser.SelectedItem as UserInfo; 

Toggling Document Protection

When document protection is enforced, the current user can modify the rights for editing the part of the document that he/she is entitled to editing. When the protection is disabled, the editing rights for the document can be freely modified by all users.

The protection of the document can be turned on and off using the ToggleDocumentProtectionCommand command of RadRichTextBox.

The command opens a dialog that allows you to enter a password. By clicking OK, the document protection starts to be enforced. You can use the command by binding a button to it:

Example 2: Binding a button to ToggleDocumentProtectionCommand

<telerik:RadRibbonToggleButton DataContext="{Binding ElementName=editor, Path=Commands}"   
                               LargeImage="{telerik:IconResource IconRelativePath=32/ProtectDocument.png, IconSources={StaticResource IconSources}}"  
                               telerik:RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI.RichTextCommand="{Binding Path=ToggleDocumentProtectionCommand}"  
                               Size="Large" Text="Protect Document"  
                               telerik:ScreenTip.Title="Toggle Document Protection"  
                               telerik:ScreenTip.Description="Restrict how people edit specific parts of the document." /> 

It is also possible to toggle document protection in code-behind, without showing a dialog:

Example 6: Protect Document in Code-Behind

this.radRichTextBox.Document.ProtectDocument(DocumentProtectionMode.ReadOnly, "password"); 

The reverse operations can be executed like this:

Example 7: Unprotect Document in Code-Behind


Note that the UnprotectDocument method will succeed only if the password you have passed as parameter matches the one used to protect the document.

Creating and Modifying Document Protection Regions

DocumentProtection regions can be most easily created and modified through the ChangeEditingPermissionsDialog which can be invoked through the ShowChangeEditingPermissionsDialogCommand of RadRichTextBox. They can also be edited in code-behind, using the API of RadRichTextBox and RadDocument.

Here is an example:

Example 8: Editing Permissions

PermissionRangeInfo info = new PermissionRangeInfo(); 
info.Type = PermissionType.Individual; 
info.Name = this.radRichTextBox.CurrentUser.Username; 
List<PermissionRangeInfo> infos = new List<PermissionRangeInfo>() { info }; 

This code will insert a permission range around the current selection in the document. The type of the permissionis Individual - meaning that only the CurrentUser will be able to edit the region.

See Also

In this article