Get the Column of The Corresponding Cell

When a cell(header cell, cell, footer cell, group footer cells) is exported through the ExportToXlsx or ExportToPdf methods , the arguments of the ElementExportingToDocument event can be cast to GridViewCellExportingEventArgs. Thus, the column of the corresponding cell can be accessed.

The following example illustrates the approach:

Example 3: Getting the Column of the Corresponding Cell

this.gridViewExport.ElementExportingToDocument += (s, e) => 
    if (e.Element == ExportElement.Cell) 
        var cellExportingArgs = e as GridViewCellExportingEventArgs; 
        if (cellExportingArgs.Column == this.gridViewExport.Columns[2]) 
            (cellExportingArgs.VisualParameters as GridViewDocumentVisualExportParameters).Style = cellStyle; 
Me.gridViewExport.ElementExportingToDocument += Function(s, e)  
    If e.Element = ExportElement.Cell Then 
        Dim cellExportingArgs = TryCast(e, GridViewCellExportingEventArgs) 
            If cellExportingArgs.Column = Me.gridViewExport.Columns(2) Then 
                TryCast(cellExportingArgs.VisualParameters, GridViewDocumentVisualExportParameters).Style = cellStyle 
            End If 
    End If 
End Function 
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