Implementing View-ViewModel
The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to bind a RadGanttView with a ViewModel.
Before reading this tutorial you should get familiar with the Data Binding support of the RadGanttView control.
- Add a new RadGanttView declaration in your XAML:
<telerik:RadGanttView x:Name="ganttView" />
- Create a new class named MyViewModel:
public class MyViewModel
- In the MyViewModel class add Tasks property. We will bind the TasksSource property of the RadGanttView to this property.
public class MyViewModel : PropertyChangedBase
private ObservableCollection<GanttTask> tasks;
public ObservableCollection<GanttTask> Tasks
return tasks;
tasks = value;
OnPropertyChanged(() => Tasks);
- All we have to do is to initialize the tasks field:
public MyViewModel()
var date = DateTime.Now;
var ganttAPI = new GanttTask() { Start = date, End = date.AddDays(2), Title = "Design public API" };
var ganttRendering = new GanttTask() { Start = date.AddDays(2).AddHours(8), End = date.AddDays(4), Title = "Gantt Rendering" };
var ganttDemos = new GanttTask() { Start = date.AddDays(5), End = date.AddDays(7), Title = "Gantt Demos" };
var milestone = new GanttTask() { Start = date.AddDays(7), End = date.AddDays(7).AddHours(1), Title = "Review", IsMilestone = true };
ganttRendering.Dependencies.Add(new Dependency() { FromTask = ganttAPI });
ganttDemos.Dependencies.Add(new Dependency() { FromTask = ganttRendering });
var iterationTask = new GanttTask(date, date.AddDays(7), "Iteration 1")
Children = { ganttAPI, ganttRendering, ganttDemos, milestone }
this.tasks = new ObservableCollection<GanttTask>() { iterationTask };
- The ViewModel is complete. Now, let's return to the View. Add TasksSource property to the definition of the GanttView:
<telerik:RadGanttView x:Name="ganttView1" TasksSource="{Binding Tasks}" />
- Finally, set the DataContext:
this.DataContext = new MyViewModel();
And the result is: