Restrict the Draggable Area

The Diagramming Framework implements a DraggingService that controls and configures the drag operations on the diagram surface.

In order to learn more about the different Diagramming Services, you can examine the Services article.

This tutorial demonstrates how to customize the default dragging operation and restrict the draggable area so that a shape can only be moved within a predefined range in the diagramming surface.

In order to implement such a scenario, we will need a sample RadDiagram instance with two RadDiagramShapes, a Rectangle that describes the draggable area within the diagram and a few buttons to give the user control over the drag operation.

The scenario described below will provide the user with the following options:

  • Drag shapes only while the mouse is within a predefined draggable area.

  • Drag shapes only within a predefined draggable area by making sure that no part of the shape is outside this area.

  • Take into account the rotated bounds of a shape when dragging it in a predefined draggable area.

<Grid Background="White"> 
    <telerik:RadDiagram x:Name="diagram"> 
        <telerik:RadDiagramShape Geometry="{telerik:FlowChartShape ShapeType=BeginLoopShape}" Position="400 300" /> 
        <telerik:RadDiagramShape Geometry="{telerik:FlowChartShape ShapeType=ExternalDataShape}" Position="500 400" /> 
    <Border x:Name="border" 
            BorderThickness="2" /> 
    <StackPanel Width="200" HorizontalAlignment="Left"> 
        <TextBlock FontSize="16" 
                   Text="Dragging: " /> 
        <telerik:RadToggleButton x:Name="toggleDrag" 
                                 IsChecked="True" /> 
        <telerik:RadToggleButton x:Name="IsRestrictedToBounds" 
                                 Content="IsRestrictedToBounds" /> 
        <telerik:RadToggleButton x:Name="useRotaitonBounds" 
                                 IsChecked="True" /> 

In order to restrict the RadDiagramShapes dragging area, you need to create a custom dragging service. This means that you have to start this implementation by creating a new class that derives from the DiagrammingFramework DraggingService class.

public class MyDragging : DraggingService 
    public MyDragging(RadDiagram graph) 
        : base(graph as IGraphInternal) 
Public Class MyDragging 
    Inherits DraggingService 
    Public Sub New(ByVal graph As RadDiagram) 
        MyBase.New(TryCast(graph, IGraphInternal)) 
    End Sub  
End Class 

Next, we need to add properties that will configure the dragging service from the UI. In this scenario we need to have the following set of properties:

  • IsRestrictedToBounds - a bool property that gets or sets a value determining whether the shapes should entirely be within the actual bounds of the draggable area.

  • UseRotaitonBounds - a bool property that gets or sets a value determining whether the rotation bounds of a shape should be taken into account when applying dragging restrictions. The rotation bounds are the actual bounds of a shape after rotation.

  • IsOn - a bool property that gets or sets a value determining whether to restrict the dragging within a predefined area.

  • DragAllowedArea - a Rect property that gets or sets a value representing the draggable area.

public class MyDragging : DraggingService, INotifyPropertyChanged 
    private bool isRestrictedToBounds; 
    private bool isOn; 
    private bool useRotationBounds; 
    public MyDragging(RadDiagram graph) 
        : base(graph as IGraphInternal) 
        //initialize the properties of the service 
        this.DragAllowedArea = Rect.Empty; 
        this.IsOn = true; 
        this.UseRotationBounds = true; 
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; 
    public Rect DragAllowedArea { get; set; } 
    public bool IsRestrictedToBounds 
            return this.isRestrictedToBounds; 
            if (this.isRestrictedToBounds != value) 
                this.isRestrictedToBounds = value; 
    public bool UseRotationBounds 
            return this.useRotationBounds; 
            if (this.useRotationBounds != value) 
                this.useRotationBounds = value; 
    public bool IsOn 
            return this.isOn; 
            if (this.isOn != value) 
                this.isOn = value; 
    private void OnPropertyChanged(string name) 
        if (this.PropertyChanged != null) 
            this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); 
Public Class MyDragging 
    Inherits DraggingService 
    Implements INotifyPropertyChanged 
    Private restrictedToBounds As Boolean 
    Private isOnValue As Boolean 
    Private useRotateBounds As Boolean 
    Public Sub New(ByVal graph As RadDiagram) 
        MyBase.New(TryCast(graph, IGraphInternal)) 
        Me.DragAllowedArea = Rect.Empty 
        Me.IsOn = True 
        Me.UseRotaitonBounds = True 
    End Sub 
    Public Event PropertyChanged As PropertyChangedEventHandler Implements INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged 
    Public Property DragAllowedArea() As Rect 
    Public Property IsRestrictedToBounds() As Boolean 
            Return Me.restrictedToBounds 
        End Get 
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean) 
            If Me.restrictedToBounds <> value Then 
                Me.restrictedToBounds = value 
            End If 
        End Set 
    End Property 
    Public Property UseRotaitonBounds() As Boolean 
            Return Me.useRotateBounds 
        End Get 
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean) 
            If Me.useRotateBounds <> value Then 
                Me.useRotateBounds = value 
            End If 
        End Set 
    End Property 
    Public Property IsOn() As Boolean 
            Return Me.isOnValue 
        End Get 
        Set(ByVal value As Boolean) 
            If Me.isOnValue <> value Then 
                Me.isOnValue = value 
            End If 
        End Set 
    End Property 
    Private Sub OnPropertyChaged(ByVal name As String) 
        RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)) 
    End Sub 
End Class 

The DraggingService exposes a virtual method - Drag, which can be overridden to customize the default drag operation. In this method we will have to handle all restriction cases.

First, if we need to only restrict the position of the mouse while dragging a shape, then we have to simply track that position and check whether it falls within the bounds of the draggable area. If it doesn't we have to create a property to hold an updated and most importantly - allowed mouse position. Please note that all position calculations will be based on the coordinate system of the diagramming instance:

public override void Drag(Point newPoint) 
    Point dragPoint = newPoint; 
    //if the mouse position during a drag operation should be restricted within the DragAllowedArea 
    if (this.DragAllowedArea != Rect.Empty && !this.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newPoint)) 
        //calculate the proper position of the dragPoint 
        double X = dragPoint.X; 
        double Y = dragPoint.Y; 
        if (X > this.DragAllowedArea.Right) 
            X = this.DragAllowedArea.Right; 
        else if (X < this.DragAllowedArea.Left) 
            X = this.DragAllowedArea.Left; 
        if (Y > this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom) 
            Y = this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom; 
        else if (Y < this.DragAllowedArea.Top) 
            Y = this.DragAllowedArea.Top; 
        dragPoint = new Point(X, Y); 
Public Overrides Sub Drag(ByVal newPoint As Point) 
    Dim dragPoint As Point = newPoint 
    'if the mouse position during a drag operation should be restricted within the DragAllowedArea' 
    If Me.DragAllowedArea <> Rect.Empty AndAlso (Not Me.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newPoint)) Then 
        'calculate the proper position of the dragPoint' 
        Dim X As Double = dragPoint.X 
        Dim Y As Double = dragPoint.Y 
        If X > Me.DragAllowedArea.Right Then 
            X = Me.DragAllowedArea.Right 
        ElseIf X < Me.DragAllowedArea.Left Then 
            X = Me.DragAllowedArea.Left 
        End If 
        If Y > Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom Then 
            Y = Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom 
        ElseIf Y < Me.DragAllowedArea.Top Then 
            Y = Me.DragAllowedArea.Top 
        End If 
        dragPoint = New Point(X, Y) 
    End If 
End Sub 

With the above code we calculate a new drag position only in the cases when the mouse leaves the designated dragging area. Although these calculations will not stop the mouse from moving across the diagramming surface, they will stop the selected shapes from being dragged further away.

However, if the user wants to configure the shapes to be entirely moved only within a draggable area, we will have to get the RadDiagram SelectionBounds. And in order to handle the case that takes into account the rotation of the selected shapes when calculating the SelectionBounds, it is best to create a separate method:

 private readonly RadDiagram diagram; 
//this method gets the bounds of the selected DiagramItems  
private Rect GetSelectionBounds() 
    if (this.UseRotaitonBounds) 
        //find the selection bounds after a rotation 
        Rect result = Rect.Empty; 
        foreach (var item in this.diagram.SelectedItems) 
            var container = this.diagram.ContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item); 
            var shape = item as IShape; 
            if (shape != null) 
        return result; 
        //or get the default selection bounds 
        return this.diagram.SelectionBounds; 
Private ReadOnly diagram As RadDiagram 
'this method gets the bounds of the selected DiagramItems ' 
Private Function GetSelectionBounds() As Rect 
    If Me.UseRotaitonBounds Then 
        'find the selection bounds after a rotation' 
        Dim result As Rect = Rect.Empty 
        For Each item In Me.diagram.SelectedItems 
            Dim container = Me.diagram.ContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(item) 
            Dim shape = TryCast(item, IShape) 
            If shape IsNot Nothing Then 
            End If 
        Next item 
        Return result 
        'or get the default selection bounds' 
        Return Me.diagram.SelectionBounds 
    End If 
End Function 

In the above implementation we added a diagram field which gets the RadDiagram instance currently using the dragging service. This is why we also have to initialize this field in the constructor of the service:

public MyDragging(RadDiagram graph) 
    : base(graph as IGraphInternal) 
    this.diagram = graph; 
    this.DragAllowedArea = Rect.Empty; 
    this.IsOn = true; 
    this.UseRotaitonBounds = true; 
Public Sub New(ByVal graph As RadDiagram) 
    MyBase.New(TryCast(graph, IGraphInternal)) 
    Me.diagram = graph 
    Me.DragAllowedArea = Rect.Empty 
    Me.IsOn = True 
    Me.UseRotaitonBounds = True 
End Sub 

Then we can use the GetSelectionBounds() method in the logic that customizes the drag of shapes which bounds need to always be within the predefined draggable area:

public override void Drag(Point newPoint) 
    Point dragPoint = newPoint; 
    if (this.IsRestrictedToBounds) 
        //get the bounds of the selected RadDiagramItems 
        var selectionBounds = this.GetSelectionBounds(); 
        //find the drag offset by comparing the coordinates of the last and the new drag position  
        var offset = new Vector(newPoint.X - this.lastPoint.X, newPoint.Y - this.lastPoint.Y); 
        //calculate the new bounds of the dragged selected items 
        var newBounds = new Rect(selectionBounds.X + offset.X, selectionBounds.Y + offset.Y, selectionBounds.Width, selectionBounds.Height); 
        //if there is no predefined draggable area or  
        //if the bounds of the dragged selected items are within the predefined draggable area 
        //invoke the default implementation of the DraggingService Drag() method 
        if (this.DragAllowedArea == Rect.Empty || this.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newBounds)) 
            this.lastPoint = dragPoint; 
        //if the bounds of the selected items is outside the bounds of the draggable area,  
        //recalculate the coordinates of the drag point to make sure the bounds of the selected items is inside the draggable area  
        if (this.DragAllowedArea.Left > newBounds.Left) 
            dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Left - this.DragAllowedArea.Left), dragPoint.Y); 
        else if (this.DragAllowedArea.Right < newBounds.Right) 
            dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Right - this.DragAllowedArea.Right), dragPoint.Y); 
        if (this.DragAllowedArea.Top > newBounds.Top) 
            dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Top - this.DragAllowedArea.Top)); 
        else if (this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom < newBounds.Bottom) 
            dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Bottom - this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom)); 
Public Overrides Sub Drag(ByVal newPoint As Point) 
    Dim dragPoint As Point = newPoint 
    'if the actual bounds of the shape should be within the DragAllowedArea' 
    If Me.IsRestrictedToBounds Then 
        'get the bounds of the selected RadDiagramItems' 
        Dim selectionBounds = Me.GetSelectionBounds() 
        'find the drag offset by comparing the coordinates of the last and the new drag position ' 
        Dim offset = New Vector(newPoint.X - Me.lastPoint.X, newPoint.Y - Me.lastPoint.Y) 
        'calculate the new bounds of the dragged selected items' 
        Dim newBounds = New Rect(selectionBounds.X + offset.X, selectionBounds.Y + offset.Y, selectionBounds.Width, selectionBounds.Height) 
        'if there is no predefined draggable area or ' 
        'if the bounds of the dragged selected items are within the predefined draggable area' 
        'invoke the default implementation of the DraggingService Drag() method' 
        If Me.DragAllowedArea = Rect.Empty OrElse Me.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newBounds) Then 
            Me.lastPoint = dragPoint 
        End If 
        'if the bounds of the selected items is outside the bounds of the draggable area, ' 
        'recalculate the coordinates of the drag point to make sure the bounds of the selected items is inside the draggable area ' 
        If Me.DragAllowedArea.Left > newBounds.Left Then 
            dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Left - Me.DragAllowedArea.Left), dragPoint.Y) 
        ElseIf Me.DragAllowedArea.Right < newBounds.Right Then 
            dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Right - Me.DragAllowedArea.Right), dragPoint.Y) 
        End If 
        If Me.DragAllowedArea.Top > newBounds.Top Then 
            dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Top - Me.DragAllowedArea.Top)) 
        ElseIf Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom < newBounds.Bottom Then 
            dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Bottom - Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom)) 
        End If 
    End If 
End Sub 

No matter which restriction approach we implement (restricting the drag based on the mouse position or the shapes bounds), we always end up recalculating the dragPoint coordinates. This is why as soon as we calculate a valid drag value, we need to invoke the base implementation of the DraggingService Drag() method with the new dragPoint. You can find the complete implementation of the overridden Drag() method below:

public override void Drag(Point newPoint) 
    Point dragPoint = newPoint; 
    if (this.IsOn) 
        //if the actual bounds of the shape should be within the DragAllowedArea 
        if (this.IsRestrictedToBounds) 
            //get the bounds of the selected RadDiagramItems 
            var selectionBounds = this.GetSelectionBounds(); 
            //find the drag offset by comparing the coordinates of the last and the new drag position  
            var offset = new Vector(newPoint.X - this.lastPoint.X, newPoint.Y - this.lastPoint.Y); 
            //calculate the new bounds of the dragged selected items 
            var newBounds = new Rect(selectionBounds.X + offset.X, selectionBounds.Y + offset.Y, selectionBounds.Width, selectionBounds.Height); 
            //if there is no predefined draggable area or  
            //if the bounds of the dragged selected items are within the predefined draggable area 
            //invoke the default implementation of the DraggingService Drag() method 
            if (this.DragAllowedArea == Rect.Empty || this.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newBounds)) 
                this.lastPoint = dragPoint; 
            //if the bounds of the selected items is outside the bounds of the draggable area,  
            //recalculate the coordinates of the drag point to make sure the bounds of the selected items is inside the draggable area  
            if (this.DragAllowedArea.Left > newBounds.Left) 
                dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Left - this.DragAllowedArea.Left), dragPoint.Y); 
            else if (this.DragAllowedArea.Right < newBounds.Right) 
                dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Right - this.DragAllowedArea.Right), dragPoint.Y); 
            if (this.DragAllowedArea.Top > newBounds.Top) 
                dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Top - this.DragAllowedArea.Top)); 
            else if (this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom < newBounds.Bottom) 
                dragPoint = new Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Bottom - this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom)); 
            //if the mouse position during a drag operation should be restricted within the DragAllowedArea 
            if (this.DragAllowedArea != Rect.Empty && !this.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newPoint)) 
                //calculate the proper position of the dragPoint 
                double X = dragPoint.X; 
                double Y = dragPoint.Y; 
                if (X > this.DragAllowedArea.Right) 
                    X = this.DragAllowedArea.Right; 
                else if (X < this.DragAllowedArea.Left) 
                    X = this.DragAllowedArea.Left; 
                if (Y > this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom) 
                    Y = this.DragAllowedArea.Bottom; 
                else if (Y < this.DragAllowedArea.Top) 
                    Y = this.DragAllowedArea.Top; 
                dragPoint = new Point(X, Y); 
    //invoke the base implementation of the DraggingService Drag() method with the calculated proper coordinates of the dragPoint   
    //update the lastPosition property to always keep track of the last drag position 
    this.lastPoint = dragPoint; 
Public Overrides Sub Drag(ByVal newPoint As Point) 
    Dim dragPoint As Point = newPoint 
    If Me.IsOn Then 
        'if the actual bounds of the shape should be within the DragAllowedArea' 
        If Me.IsRestrictedToBounds Then 
            'get the bounds of the selected RadDiagramItems' 
            Dim selectionBounds = Me.GetSelectionBounds() 
            'find the drag offset by comparing the coordinates of the last and the new drag position ' 
            Dim offset = New Vector(newPoint.X - Me.lastPoint.X, newPoint.Y - Me.lastPoint.Y) 
            'calculate the new bounds of the dragged selected items' 
            Dim newBounds = New Rect(selectionBounds.X + offset.X, selectionBounds.Y + offset.Y, selectionBounds.Width, selectionBounds.Height) 
            'if there is no predefined draggable area or ' 
            'if the bounds of the dragged selected items are within the predefined draggable area' 
            'invoke the default implementation of the DraggingService Drag() method' 
            If Me.DragAllowedArea = Rect.Empty OrElse Me.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newBounds) Then 
                Me.lastPoint = dragPoint 
            End If 
            'if the bounds of the selected items is outside the bounds of the draggable area, ' 
            'recalculate the coordinates of the drag point to make sure the bounds of the selected items is inside the draggable area ' 
            If Me.DragAllowedArea.Left > newBounds.Left Then 
                dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Left - Me.DragAllowedArea.Left), dragPoint.Y) 
            ElseIf Me.DragAllowedArea.Right < newBounds.Right Then 
                dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X - (newBounds.Right - Me.DragAllowedArea.Right), dragPoint.Y) 
            End If 
            If Me.DragAllowedArea.Top > newBounds.Top Then 
                dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Top - Me.DragAllowedArea.Top)) 
            ElseIf Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom < newBounds.Bottom Then 
                dragPoint = New Point(dragPoint.X, dragPoint.Y - (newBounds.Bottom - Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom)) 
            End If 
            'if the mouse position during a drag operation should be restricted within the DragAllowedArea' 
            If Me.DragAllowedArea <> Rect.Empty AndAlso (Not Me.DragAllowedArea.Contains(newPoint)) Then 
                'calculate the proper position of the dragPoint' 
                Dim X As Double = dragPoint.X 
                Dim Y As Double = dragPoint.Y 
                If X > Me.DragAllowedArea.Right Then 
                    X = Me.DragAllowedArea.Right 
                ElseIf X < Me.DragAllowedArea.Left Then 
                    X = Me.DragAllowedArea.Left 
                End If 
                If Y > Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom Then 
                    Y = Me.DragAllowedArea.Bottom 
                ElseIf Y < Me.DragAllowedArea.Top Then 
                    Y = Me.DragAllowedArea.Top 
                End If 
                dragPoint = New Point(X, Y) 
            End If 
        End If 
    End If 
    'invoke the base implementation of the DraggingService Drag() method with the calculated proper coordinates of the dragPoint  ' 
    'update the lastPosition property to always keep track of the last drag position' 
    Me.lastPoint = dragPoint 
End Sub 

We also need to make sure that the lastPoint property has the coordinates of the position where the drag was initiated. For that purpose we will also override the DraggingService InitializeDrag() method:

//override this method to get the coordinates of the point where the drag started 
public override void InitializeDrag(Point point) 
    this.lastPoint = point; 
'override this method to get the coordinates of the point where the drag started' 
Public Overrides Sub InitializeDrag(ByVal point As Point) 
    Me.lastPoint = point 
End Sub 

Finally, we need to configure the diagram to use our custom dragging implementation instead of the default DraggingService. This is why we need to create a new instance of the MyDragging class in the code-behind file of our view. Then we need to bind the properties defined within the custom dragging service to the view elements that control them:

private MyDragging newDraggingService; 
public Example() 
private void InitializeNewServices() 
    //initialize MyDragging  
    this.newDraggingService = new MyDragging(this.diagram); 
    //create a binding with Path=IsOn 
    Binding binding = new Binding("IsOn"); 
    //use the newDraggingService as a source of the binding 
    binding.Source = this.newDraggingService; 
    binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay; 
    //apply the binding on the toggleDrag RadToggleButton 
    this.toggleDrag.SetBinding(RadToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, binding); 
    //create a binding with Path=IsRestrictedToBounds 
    binding = new Binding("IsRestrictedToBounds"); 
    //use the newDraggingService as a source of the binding 
    binding.Source = this.newDraggingService; 
    binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay; 
    //apply the binding on the IsRestrictedToBounds RadToggleButton 
    this.IsRestrictedToBounds.SetBinding(RadToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, binding); 
    //create a binding with Path=UseRotaitonBounds 
    binding = new Binding("UseRotaitonBounds"); 
    //use the newDraggingService as a source of the binding 
    binding.Source = this.newDraggingService; 
    binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay; 
    //apply the binding on the useRotaitonBounds RadToggleButton 
    this.useRotaitonBounds.SetBinding(RadToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, binding); 
Private newDraggingService As MyDragging 
Public Sub New() 
End Sub 
Private Sub InitializeNewServices() 
    'initialize MyDragging ' 
    Me.newDraggingService = New MyDragging(Me.diagram) 
    'create a binding with Path=IsOn' 
    Dim binding As New Binding("IsOn") 
    'use the newDraggingService as a source of the binding' 
    binding.Source = Me.newDraggingService 
    binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay 
    'apply the binding on the toggleDrag RadToggleButton' 
    Me.toggleDrag.SetBinding(RadToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, binding) 
    'create a binding with Path=IsRestrictedToBounds' 
    binding = New Binding("IsRestrictedToBounds") 
    'use the newDraggingService as a source of the binding' 
    binding.Source = Me.newDraggingService 
    binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay 
    'apply the binding on the IsRestrictedToBounds RadToggleButton' 
    Me.IsRestrictedToBounds.SetBinding(RadToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, binding) 
    'create a binding with Path=UseRotaitonBounds' 
    binding = New Binding("UseRotaitonBounds") 
    'use the newDraggingService as a source of the binding' 
    binding.Source = Me.newDraggingService 
    binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay 
    'apply the binding on the useRotaitonBounds RadToggleButton' 
    Me.useRotaitonBounds.SetBinding(RadToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty, binding) 
End Sub 

And now we can use the newDraggingService instance and register it through the ServiceLocator:

public Example() 
Public Sub New() 
    Me.diagram.ServiceLocator.Register(Of IDraggingService)(Me.newDraggingService) 
End Sub 

If you run the solution now, you should see the On button as checked which means that the mouse position during drag should always be within the blue rectangle indicating the draggable area. If you click on the IsRestrictedToBounds button, you will change the drag restrictions to use the shape bounds when identifying the available dragging positions of a shape. And as the UseRotatedBounds button is also checked the rotation bounds of the dragged shapes will also be taken into account while applying the drag restrictions. raddiagram-howto-custom-dragging-default

You can further extend this example by updating the designated draggable area during pan and zoom operations. In order to do so, you can handle the RadDiagram ViewportChanged event:

<telerik:RadDiagram x:Name="diagram" ViewportChanged="OnDiagramViewportChanged"> 
    <telerik:RadDiagramShape Geometry="{telerik:FlowChartShape ShapeType=BeginLoopShape}" Position="400 300" /> 
    <telerik:RadDiagramShape Geometry="{telerik:FlowChartShape ShapeType=ExternalDataShape}" Position="500 400" /> 

private void SetRestrictRect(Rect rect) 
    if (this.newDraggingService != null) 
        this.newDraggingService.DragAllowedArea = rect.InflateRect(-rect.Width / 4, -rect.Height / 4); 
private void OnDiagramViewportChanged(object sender, PropertyEventArgs<Rect> e) 
    this.border.Width = (e.NewValue.Width / 2) * this.diagram.Zoom; 
    this.border.Height = (e.NewValue.Height / 2) * this.diagram.Zoom; 
Private Sub SetRestrictRect(ByVal rect As Rect) 
    If Me.newDraggingService IsNot Nothing Then 
        Me.newDraggingService.DragAllowedArea = rect.InflateRect(-rect.Width \ 4, -rect.Height \ 4) 
    End If 
End Sub 
Private Sub OnDiagramViewportChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PropertyEventArgs(Of Rect)) 
    Me.border.Width = (e.NewValue.Width / 2) * Me.diagram.Zoom 
    Me.border.Height = (e.NewValue.Height / 2) * Me.diagram.Zoom 
End Sub 

Find a runnable project of the previous example in the WPF Samples GitHub repository.

In this article