Key Properties

The purpose of this help article is to show you the key properties of the RadCollectionNavigator control. The topic includes the following properties:


Through RadCollectionNavigator's ButtonStyle property, you can define a custom style for all of its buttons. The buttons are of type RadButton and you can find more information on how to style them in the following section.


The Visibility of RadCollectionNavigator's buttons is controlled by the CommandButtonsVisibility property which is a flags enumeration of type CommandButtonsVisibility. It provides the following values:

  • Add: AddNew button will be visible.
  • Delete: Delete button will be visible.
  • Edit: Edit button will be visible.
  • Navigation: All navigation buttons will be visible (MoveToFirst, MoveToPrevious, MoveToNext, MoveToLast).
  • First: MoveToFirst button will be visible.
  • Previous: MoveToPrevious button will be visible.
  • Next: MoveToNext button will be visible.
  • Last: MoveToLast button will be visible.
  • All: All buttons will be visible.

By default it shows the Add, Delete and Navigation buttons. The Edit button is initially hidden, as RadCollectionNavigator does not provide interface for editing.

RadCollectionNavigator is independent from any DataVisualization controls that are used in combination with it. However, the Edit button can be used in custom solutions if such editing UI is provided.

See Also

In this article