Customizing Axis Labels

The axis labels are automatically generated based on the plotted data and the axis range. The chart allows you to customize their appearance.

Hiding Labels

To hide the axis labels, set the ShowLabels property to False.

Setting ShowLabels

    <telerik:LinearAxis ShowLabels="False" /> 
Vertical axis with hidden labels

Silverlight RadChartView Vertical Axis with Hidden Labels

Label Interval

The axis labels are positioned on each tick plotted on the axis. To change this, set the LabelInterval property of the associated axis.

Setting LabelInterval

    <telerik:LinearAxis LabelInterval="2" /> 
Vertical axis with label interval set to 2

Silverlight RadChartView Vertical Axis with Label Interval Set to 2

String Format

To adjust the string format of the labels, set the LabelFormat property.

Setting LabelFormat

    <telerik:LinearAxis LabelFormat="C" /> 
Vertical axis labels formatted using the currency format C

Silverlight RadChartView Vertical Axis Labels Formatted Using the Currency Format C


To rotate the axis labels, set the LabelFitMode property to Rotate. This will rotate to labels to a predefined angle. To change the angle, set the LabelRotationAngle property.

In order for the LabelRotationAngle property to take effect, the LabelFitMode should be set to Rotate.

Setting LabelFitMode to Rotate

    <telerik:CategoricalAxis LabelFitMode="Rotate" LabelRotationAngle="-90"/> 
Horizontal axis labels rotated by 90 degrees

Silverlight RadChartView Horizontal Axis Labels Rotated by 90 Degrees

Multi-line Mode

To arrange the labels on different vertical positions that mimics multi-line layout, set the LabelFitMode property to MultiLine.

Setting LabelFitMode to MultiLine

    <telerik:CategoricalAxis LabelFitMode="MultiLine" /> 
Horizontal axis with multi-line labels

Silverlight RadChartView Horizontal Axis with Multi-Line Labels

Smart Labels

The axis smart labels feature allows you to avoid situations where the axis has too many labels and they start to overlap one another. The smart mode will try to auto-calculate such label interval that no labels overlap. To enable it, set the SmartLabelsMode property of the axis. Read more in the [Axis Smart Labels]/devtools/silverlight/controls/radchartview/axes/axis-smart-labels article.

Label Style

The default visual element of the axis labels is TextBlock. To customize its appearance, set the axis' LabelStyle property. The TargetType of the Style object should target the TextBlock class.

Setting LabelStyle

            <Style TargetType="TextBlock"> 
                <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="White" /> 
                <Setter Property="Background" Value="Black" /> 
                <Setter Property="Padding" Value="4" /> 
                <Setter Property="Margin" Value="0 0 5 0" /> 
Vertical axis with custom label style

Silverlight RadChartView Vertical Axis with Custom Label Style

Label Template

To replace the default visual element of the axis labels, set the axis' LabelTemplate property.

Setting LabelTemplate

                <Border BorderBrush="Black" BorderThickness="1" Background="Bisque" Margin="0 0 5 0">                                
                    <TextBlock Padding="4" Text="{Binding}"/> 
Vertical axis with custom label template

Silverlight RadChartView Vertical Axis with Custom Label Template

Label Template Selector

To replace the default visual element of the axis labels with different elements based on a condition, use the LabelTemplateSelector property of the axis. The following example shows how to define a DataTemplateSelector and use it to choose between two different DataTemplates.

Defining the view

   <DataTemplate x:Key="GrayTemplate"> 
       <Border BorderThickness="2" 
           <TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/> 
   <DataTemplate x:Key="WhiteTemplate"> 
       <Border BorderThickness="2" 
           <TextBlock Text="{Binding}"/> 
   <local:BinaryTemplateSelector x:Key="Selector" 
                                 Template1="{StaticResource GrayTemplate}" 
                                 Template2="{StaticResource WhiteTemplate}"/> 
<telerik:RadCartesianChart x:Name="chart"> 
         <telerik:LinearAxis Maximum="100" 
                           LineDashArray="5, 10, 15" 
                           LabelTemplateSelector="{StaticResource Selector}"> 
                    <Ellipse Fill="White"/> 
        <telerik:LinearAxis Maximum="100"/> 

Defining the template selector

public class BinaryTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector 
    public DataTemplate Template1 
    public DataTemplate Template2 
    public override DataTemplate SelectTemplate(object item, DependencyObject container) 
        DataTemplate tmp = this.Template1; 
        this.Template1 = this.Template2; 
        this.Template2 = tmp; 
        return tmp; 
Horizontal axis with customized labels and ticks

RadChartView Horizontal Axis with LabelTemplateSelector

See Also

In this article