Namespace Telerik.Windows.DragDrop.Behaviors
Provides the basic methods for converting the data in a IDataObject. |
Provides a trust settings independent way to retrieve drag data. |
IDragVisualProvider that creates drag visuals containing screenshots of the dragged item containers. |
DragDrop<THelper, TBehavior, TState>
Defines the basic methods of a generic DragDropBehavior. |
DragDropHelper<TBehavior, TState> Binds the DragDropManager events with a DragDropBehavior. |
Provides a context for a drag-drop operation. |
Represents the DataContext for a ListBoxDragVisual. |
IDragVisualProvider that does not create visuals, but returns null. |
Holds the instances of the specific Helper,Behavior and State needed to perform drag drop operation in RadGridView. |
Provides drag and drop capabilities for RadGridView. |
Helper class that binds the DragDropManager events with a DragDropBehavior. |
Stores current drag state when performing drag from RadGridView through GridViewDragDropBehavior. |
Defines the drag and drop behavior in RadListBox control. |
ListBoxDragVisualProvider that creates drag visuals containing dragged item containers for RadListBox. |
IDragVisualProvider that creates drag visuals containing screenshots of the dragged item containers. |
The base class for drag-drop operation behaviors. |
Provides a format independent mechanism for transferring data. |
Represents API for the drop visual providers for the Drag and Drop operations in RadListBox control. |